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I didn't end up going to Two-bit's house. I instead reconvened with Soda back at the house.

"So, what'd you find out?"

I asked him once he got through the door.

He walked over, plopped down on the couch, and sighed.

He started fidgeting with his nail, before finally saying,

"He didn't talk whatsoever. Kept insisting they went to Texas. He clearly knew where they were, so I gave him a note to give to Ponyboy. Hopefully he gets it."

He then stopped picking at his nail, and looked up at me.

"What about you? What'd Two-bit say?"

I rubbed my temples, and responded,

"About that. I never made it to Two-bit's. It seemed like the murder went down at the park. I ran into Bob's girlfriend there, made her an offer to tell us everything about Socs that she had."

Soda's eyes lit up, and he smiled,

"So we have a spy?"
I rolled my eyes at his immaturity.

"If you wanna call it that, then yeah. Do you wanna go talk to Two-bit tomorrow? You get along better with him than I do."

"Sure, since you have work tomorrow, right?"

I nodded. I had been given time off work after Ponyboy disappeared, but it was back to the hustle for me.

"By the way, Soda. Can you tell the gang to meet up in the lot later tonight? I want to talk to Dally, and I'll get Cherry to tag along too."

Soda nodded, promptly.



Later that night, the entire gang was together in the lot.

Soda and Steve were talking, Dally was smoking a cigar, and Two-bit was propping up the collar of his leather jacket.

That's when a stingray pulled up. Cherry was in the driver's seat.
Dally grinned, and flicked his ashes onto the ground as Cherry parked, and got out of the car.

Steve and Dally got ready to fight, and I knew why. She was the dead kid's girl, and they weren't here to be yelled at.

"Hey y'all. Stop it. She told me before, she hates fights. Why would she come here for one?" Two-bit said, and he stopped messing with his collar.

"Hi everyone."

She nodded at me, and I nodded back. A signal for her to start talking.

"Darry talked to me the other day, and I decided somethin'. I feel bad, because the whole scenario is my fault, so I asked Darry if there's anything I could do to let him forgive me. He said to keep you guys updated about stuff goin' on with the Socs. I'll also testify that it's not Ponyboy or Johnny's fault. Bob was lookin' for a fight, bein' drunk and all, and they only fought back in self-defense."

The rest of the gang looked at each other, and nodded in agreement.

Dally then relaxed a bit, and said,

"Fine by me, want a smoke?"

Cherry politely shook her head, and headed back to her car.

"Want to go for a coke sometime?"

She turned around, smiled, and promptly replied,

"No thank you. Go to hell."
I could tell Dally was offended, but he kept it off his face.
Cherry got in her car, and drove away.

After around 10 minutes, everyone had gone home.

Except Soda and Dally.

"Dal, where are Johnny and Pony?"


"I know that's a lie."

Dally pulled another cigarette out of his pocket, and lit it.

After he blew a heavy sigh of smoke into my face, he muttered,

"It don't matter where they are, they ain't exactly comin' back."

He took a drag on his cigarette, and continued,

"Even if they did, you'd lose Ponyboy and Soda to a boy's home. Do you really want that?"

"I want that more than not knowin' if they're dead or where they are."

I turned around.

"C'mon Soda, let's go."

Soda nodded, and ran up to me, and we walked out of the lot.

The last thing I saw was Dally, leaning against a car as he crushed his cigarette into the ground.

3 days later, there had still been no news about Pony or Johnny's whereabouts.

Dally hadn't coughed up a word, and the fuzz had still been investigating Texas.

But that evening, everything shifted.

At around 11, Soda came running back from the DX. His eyes were wide, and alert.

"Darry! Steve and I saw an ambulance comin' back from Windrixville, we saw Dally in the back."

I got up from the chair, and grabbed the car keys from the side table.

"Let's go."

The Outsiders Parody - DarryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora