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When we reached the lot, we could see Dallas' shadow running up the hill.

That's when I saw the gun.

I couldn't tell if the gunshots were from the police, or from Dally.

But I knew once he crumpled to his knees, and shut his eyes for the last time.

Johnny died that night, and he died a hero.

It's funny how just 12 hours ago, Dally was called a hero. But in that 12 hours, he became a villain, then a dead man.

Steve tripped forward, as tears fell from his eyes.

Soda caught him, and whispered,

"Easy, buddy, easy. There's nothing we can do now."

Nothing we can do now.


They're both dead.


In my confusion, I could still hear Two-bit yell,

"Glory, look at the kid!"

Ponyboy had become a full pale, and had collapsed.


I had pulled the armchair into Soda and Pony's bedroom the night after Johnny and Dally died, as I felt that none of us should be alone that night. Since then, 3 days had passed.

I woke up early in the morning, to Ponyboy shaking my knee.

"Ponyboy, you okay?" I questioned, while opening my eyes.

"Yeah," He said. "I think so."

I lightly pushed Pony's hair back, and said,

"Gosh, kid, you had us scared to death."

"What was the matter with me?" Ponyboy inquired, looking confused.

I sighed, and started recounting the experience.

"I told you you were in no condition for a rumble. Exhaustion, shock, minor concussion — and Two-bit came blubberin' over here with some tale about how you were running a fever before the rumble and how it was all his fault you were sick. He was pretty torn up that night. We all were."

Ponyboy was quiet for a second, before asking the question,

"Where'd I get a concussion? How long have I been asleep?"

I sighed.

"You got a concussion from getting kicked in the head — Soda saw it. He landed all over that Soc. I've never seen him so mad. I think he could have whipped anyone, in the state he was in. Today's Tuesday, and you've been asleep and delirious since Saturday night. Don't you remember?"

"No." Pony said slowly. "Darry, I'm not ever going to be able to make up the school I've missed. And I've still got to go to court and talk to the police about Bob's getting killed. And now...with Dally..." – I could feel Ponyboy holding back tears – "Darry, do you think they'll split us up? Put me in a home or something?"

I went quiet. I knew that it was a real possibility.

Never seein' Pony or Soda again...that thought scared me.

It scared me real bad.

"I don't know, baby. I just don't know."

There was a long silence. I had to change the topic.

"Don't you even remember being in the hospital?" I questioned.

"I don't remember." He responded.

That experience was saddening. Ponyboy only asked about me twice, despite the fact I was next to him the entire time he was recovering.

"You kept asking for me and Soda." – The next part was hard to get out – "Sometimes for Mom and Dad, too. But mostly for Soda."

"Darry..." Pony whispered, his voice trailing off.

I leaned back in the chair, and changed the subject again,

"Johnny left you his copy of Gone with the Wind. Told the nurse he wanted you to have it."
He looked at the paperback, then back at the floor.

"Where's Soda?" He asked.

"Asleep, I hope. I thought he was going to go to sleep shaving this morning and cut his throat. I had to push him to bed, but he was out like a light in a second."

Just as I finished my sentence, Soda came rushing in.

"Hey, Ponyboy!" He shouted, and leaped for Pony.

I caught him though, and rolled my eyes.

"No rough stuff, little buddy."

Soda had a bright smile on his face, and kept shouting, excitedly.

"Gosh, but you were sick. You feel okay now?"

"I'm okay. Just a little hungry." Ponyboy responded.

I chuckled, and said,

"I should think you would be, you wouldn't eat anything most of the time you were sick. How'd you like some mushroom soup?"

"Man, I'd like that just fine."

I grinned, and got up.

"I'll go make some." I stopped at the door, and pointed at Soda. "Sodapop, take it easy with him, okay?"

I then left to go make the food, but when I came back, him and Ponyboy were dead asleep. And I was glad.

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