♥♥♥ Yami Yugi X Diana ♥♥♥

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The bustling cafeteria is filled with students chatting, eating, and going about their day. At one table, ATEM, the Pharaoh from Yu-Gi-Oh, sits surrounded by a group of adoring students. He exudes an air of confidence, dressed in a leather jacket and sporting a mischievous smile.

At the center of attention is DIANA, the head cheerleader, who sits on Atem's lap, giggling as he peppers her face with kisses. Across the table, TEA, Diana's sister, glares at them with disapproval.

DIANA (teasingly) Oh, Atem, you're such a bad boy. I can't resist you.

ATEM (smirking) That's because I'm irresistible, my dear. No one can resist the Pharaoh's charm.

The surrounding students erupt in laughter and cheer, reveling in Atem's popularity.

TEA (annoyed) Diana, how can you fall for his tricks? He's just playing with your emotions.

DIANA (defiantly) Oh, Tea, don't be so bitter just because you can't have him.

ATEM (winking at Diana) Diana's right, Tea. She knows what she wants, and I'm more than happy to give it to her.

Tea rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, clearly irritated.

TEA (sarcastically) How touching. The bad boy and the head cheerleader. It's like a cliché from a cheesy romance movie.

ATEM (smiling) Well, Tea, if you're jealous, you could always try to win my heart instead.

TEA (disgusted) As if! I have better taste than that.

Atem chuckles and tightens his hold on Diana, who leans into him affectionately.

ATEM (mockingly) Well, then, my dear Tea, you're missing out on quite the experience.

The cafeteria erupts in laughter once again, and Tea's face turns crimson with embarrassment and anger.

TEA (angrily) This is ridiculous! You're all blind if you can't see through his act.

DIANA (defensively) Tea, stop trying to ruin our happiness just because you can't stand to see me happy.

ATEM (holding Diana closer) She's right, Tea. I choose Diana, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Tea huffs and storms away from the table, leaving Atem and Diana surrounded by their admirers.

DIANA (smiling) Don't worry about her, Atem. She'll come around eventually.

ATEM (nuzzling Diana's cheek) I'm not worried, my love. As long as I have you, everything else fades into insignificance.

They share a passionate kiss, causing the onlookers to cheer even louder.

Atem/Yami Yugi Imagines BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now