Yami Yugi X Diana Kaiba: When your boyfriend plays the knight in shinning armor

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Duel Tower, at the top. Yami Yugi, Joey Wheeler, Seto Kaiba, Yami Marik, and Diana are standing together after the intense five-way duel. Tea, Tristan, and Mokuba are seen walking toward them, eager to know what happened during the duel.

Yami Yugi: *catching his breath* That was a close one, guys. I didn't expect the duel to turn out like that.

Joey Wheeler: Yeah, you surprised us all, Yugi. Especially with that trap card to save Diana!

Diana: *smiling and looking at Yami Yugi* I couldn't believe it either. Thank you, Yugi. You really protected me out there.

Yami Yugi: *grinning* Of course, Diana. You're my princess, and I'll always be there to protect you.

Seto Kaiba: *raising an eyebrow* Seems like there's more going on here. Why did you prioritize her over your best friend, Joey?

Yami Yugi: *remaining composed* Kaiba, it's complicated. Diana and I... we're together. She means everything to me.

Joey Wheeler: *stunned* Wait, what? You two are dating? When did this happen?

Diana: *blushing* Just recently, Joey. But we wanted to keep it a secret until the right moment.

Mokuba: *smirking* Oh, come on, Joey. I already knew about it. Yami couldn't hide that from me.

Seto Kaiba: *teasingly* You knew about this, Mokuba? And you didn't tell me? I thought we shared everything!

Mokuba: *laughs* Sorry, big brother. I wasn't aware it was a secret. But seeing them together now, I'm happy for them.

Tea: *grinning* Well, it's about time these two lovebirds reveal the truth. We've been shipping them for ages!

Tristan: Yeah, they really make a great couple. But Yugi, you could have at least given us a hint!

Yami Yugi: *blushing slightly* I apologize for keeping it a secret, guys. Diana and I just wanted to enjoy our relationship without any distractions.

Diana: *leaning closer to Yami Yugi and smiling* And now that the duel is over, I think it's time for our first public display of affection!

Before anyone could react, Diana kisses Yami Yugi passionately, leaving everyone in shock.

Seto Kaiba: *smirking* Well, that explains everything. No need for further details, as I can see it right in front of me.

Mokuba: *chuckling* I guess my surprise wasn't that surprising, huh, big brother?

Tea: *blushing* Oh my, they really are cute together.

Tristan: Congrats, you two! I never thought I'd see the day where Yugi becomes a protective boyfriend.

As everyone gathers around, the group continues to enjoy the moment, happy for Yami Yugi and Diana's relationship. The duel may have brought surprises, but it also brought them closer together. Little did they know that even more adventurous and heartfelt moments awaited them in the future.

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