Chapter 25

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*Tiombe's POV*
Thud, something crashed to the ground.
"Great, just another thing I'll have to clean up later," I said under my breath.
Aiden and Apollo are upstairs watching Netflix, Terpsichore is most-likely the cause of the thud, but where am I? Downstairs, cleaning the kitchen.
"So who's the new guy?" Terpsichore bounded down the stairs, causing me to drop my sponge.
"What new guy?" I raised my eyebrow. Of course I know him, but she doesn't have a class with him.
"THE new guy," she blushed and scratched her neck.
"You have a crush on Rhett!" I screamed, heck, he probably heard me.
"Who has a crush on Rhett?" Apollo yelled down the stairs.
"No one!" Terpsichore laughed nervously.
"Hmmm, I got 'chu girl!" Aiden yelled in a ghetto accent. She can't pull it off.
"I do not have a crush on him," She stammered, "He's just really cute."
"You have no idea how red your face is right now," I laughed, she punched my shoulder.
"Apparently, he plays percussion," Apollo said coming down the stairs.
"Ooh, It's like the setting of a 5SOS fanfiction," I laughed, "She's in love with the drummer.
"Am not," she argued.
"Are too,"
"Am not,"
"Are too,"
"She's not what?" Rhett asked, walking through the door.
Terpsichore's face turned a new shade of red as we burst into laughter.
"I suppose I am," she whispered, smirking, walking backwards up the stairs.

Guys I'm freaking out (for two reasons)
1. I have a blister on my hand now because I touched my charger. My phone charger and my iPad charger are hooked up to the same extension cord, I'm quite terrified that this thing will either burn a hole in my sheets, or burst into flames🌋
2. Earlier today I went to Six Flags (our local amusement park) with my cousin.
In line for Superman, we struck up a conversation with a mother ahead of us in line.
At first I didn't notice, but as I glanced over, I noticed that one of her sons was EXTREMELY attractive😍
They let us in front of them because there were two empty seats, one girl in the group called out to us and told us we were cool☺️
Anyway, after the ride we filled up our cup with Sprite (I'm going to pretend that you care what type of drink I got) a and headed over to a ride called the Scream Machine.
The same family was one ride ahead of us in line but the attractive guy was in the line for a cart farther back.
They got on and we were up against the gate thing.
As his cart passed I looked down at him.
He smiled.
I smiled.
He waved.
I waved.
^I can't explain that.
This is the first time a guy has ever hit on me in my entire life.
The only thing is, I think they left or something because we couldn't find them after.
My one wish is that he's a local and not a tourist, I see him at Target or something, and I get his number.
I already have a contact made for him, it just doesn't have a number.
If you must know, his contact name is
Scream Machine😉♥️
I know, real original.
*Brushes shoulder* Im kind of a big deal.
Have a nice day/night!
Hi Ashlynn!

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