Chapter 26

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*Aiden's POV*
"Okay class, today is the day!" Squealed the training teacher.
"You're weapons will be finalized today," she continued.
"What does that mean?" I whispered in Tiombe's ear.
"Every ten years, all classes of all grades are given their weapon," she explained.
"Cool, I'll probably pick a bow," I stated.
"I'm afraid it doesn't work like that," she sighed.
"What do you mean?"
"It's not like you can just choose your weapon,"
She could see the confusion on my face.
"The weapon chooses you, based on your skills and personality," she explained.
I sighed.
"Let's get started!" The teacher cheered.
"We will go backwards alphabetically by first name!" She said.
She named off a bunch of people I didn't know, it was all the same thing.
The kid would get up, go into a circle of weapons, then one would randomly float over to them with a weird gold aura.
"Tiombe," the teacher called out.
Even a foot away from her, I could hear her breathing rate quicken.
I pat her on the back, "you've got this," I reassured.
She nodded and walked into the center of the circle.
To her delight, a wand floated to her.
"But- but- I've never been trained to use one," she stuttered nervously.
"That's okay dear, you'll be assigned a private teaching time to work on your skills," the teacher said, calming Tio's nerves.
She blushed and sat down next to me, criss cross applesauce.
"Terpsichore," the teacher yelled.
I looked behind me to see her little head pop out from beside Rhett.
They were really getting closer.
She walked into the circle, tripping and falling half way.
I could hear Rhett's giggle from behind, I laughed as well.
Instantly, a whip came to her and she cracked a smile.
She picked it up by its grey handle and flung its thin, silver body outward.
She skipped back to her spot.
"Rhett," the teacher called.
He strut to the center, gaining adoring looks from girls in the crowd.
He's such a popular kid, he seems to be a player on the outside, but apparently he's sticking down to one girl, me.
He was given a ball. I know it sounds stupid, but no one else could pick it up, it always came back, and it had a poisonous outer layer that killed its target instantly. They called out people in between, becoming closer and closer to my name.
"Lane," the teacher announced.
My eyes narrowed, that's Arya's boyfriend.
He walked with a little too much confidence, gaining whoops from his pod of athletic imbeciles.
He received a slingshot, what a petty weapon.
He couldn't even kill a spider with that child toy.
I laughed aloud with Tiombe as he passed.
He shot flaming death glares at us.
I gave him the most helpless, innocent face I could manage.
He rolled his eyes and say back down.
The teacher neared closer and closer to my name, finally we were in the A's.
"Apollo," she called.
I gave him a ginormous hug around his torso before he met his destiny.
He was given a bow.
It's perfect for him, they don't believe in guns here, but if they did, he would probably get that.
He's all about precision and speed.
"Abrax," she called.
She skipped me!
That woman skipped me!
Do I not get a weapon?
I got several concerned looks from the crowd.
After Abrax was gifted with a mallet, the teacher announced her mistake.
"I apologize. I seemed to have skipped a student. Aiden, come on up," she blushed.
I slowly stood, almost forgetting to let go of Apollo's hand.
I made my way to the circle.
To my left were dozens of ranged weapons, bows, long whips, slingshots and throwing knives. To my right were different magical aspects, wands, poisons, things that appear out of thin air.
And right in front of me, swords, knives, battle axes, and any short ranged weapon you could think of.
I was snapped out of my thoughts to see a gold fog forming around me.
It's time.
I turn to see the sword I used during training, just newer and better, floating towards me.
I reached out to grab it, my happiness boiling out my smile.
I sat down with hugs from my friends.
I must've been the last name.
"Now kids, with your new weapons, what do you say to a free battle? We have healing elementals on sight, so go crazy!" She screamed, sending the audience into a mass of chaos.

This is a really long chapter😅
Anyway, this is going to be my last update for tonight😜
Have a nice day/night.
Hi Ashlynn and Naomi!

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