Chapter 29

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*Apollo's POV*
"I kinda feel bad that we let Rhett do detention for all of us," Aiden admitted.
"Just focus on not falling in right now," I joked, pretending to push her into the water.
We decided to take the whole group, minus Rhett, to the creek.
"In hinesight, we could've driven a mile more to be a little closer to wherever we're going," Tiombe complained.
"Yeah, where exactly are we going?" asked a worried Abrax.
"To the secret tunnel, secret tunnel. Through the mountain. Secret, secret, secret, secret tunnel. Yeah!" Aiden sang, quoting our favorite cartoon.
Abrax and Tiombe sighed, knowing that they'll never get a serious answer until we get there.
We balanced along the rocks, jumping the gaps to avoid the water.
We stumbled upon a large pool.
"I guess we'll find a way around," Aiden suggested.
"Or I can just do this," I laughed, pushing her in.
Big mistake.
Within a split second, I realized she was still holding my hand.
I surface to see all of my friends jumping in as well.
"Watch out for snakes!" I yelled.
"Oh, I didn't know Arya came with us," Aiden laughed, but at the same time took my warning seriously and got out of the water.
We continued our journey to 'the place'.
Aiden bent over in laughter as I picked her up.
"Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba" I sang, making her laugh even harder.
A/N if you didn't know, those are the words to the opening song of lion king.
"Put me down," she squeeled, kicking at the air.
"As you wish," I said, holding her over the edge.
"No, no! On the rock por favor," she pleaded.
"You have to kiss me first," I bartered with a smirk.
"Oh well, I guess you're carrying me," she crossed her arms.
"Tally ho!" she yelled, pointing to our destination.
"Wet or thorns?" I asked, turning her around to face me, holding her more like a baby now. Yes, I'm still carrying her.
"Thorns! I laugh in the face of danger!" she announced, pulling her sword from her sheath.
"Will you pretty please let me down?" she stuck out her lip.
I shook my head, "You know the deal."
"Ugh, fine," she groaned, pecking my lips.
"Love you too," I said sarcastically, laying my hand on my heart, trying to act hurt.
She flashed me that award winning smile and my hand dropped back to my side.
I took the last jump to our destination.
"Did no one think to bring chairs?" Tiombe asked.
"Screw it, I'm already wet," I sighed, plopping down in the wet tunnel.
I began to laugh when I saw a failed graffiti attempt.
"Fuch you," I chuckled.
The other group members we're shocked by my choice of words, they thought I said... something else.
I pointed to the wall.
"How can you fail that bad?" Abrax laughed.
"This is where the gangsters come to skip school, apparently this one skipped spelling," Terpsichore joked.
Abrax finally decided to set the cooler down and join us on the floor.
We all dug in to the plastic box, grabbing sandwiches and other snacks.
"Yum," Aiden sighed falling backward to lay on the ground.
I fell bak as well and wrapped my arms around her.
Life is good.

Okay children,
gather round!
It's story time!
Every year,
my church goes to youth camp
with four other churches.
The schedule goes:
= individual churches)
Morning Devotion●
Bible Study ●
Small Groups
Show Time●
Free Time●
Evening Worship●
The first full day we were there
I saw this really cute guy
during bible study.
I glanced at him and
he glanced back.
We did this a few times.
At the end after we prayed
and were waiting to be dismissed,
he looked at me,
I returned the look but he didn't
look away. After a few seconds you
would think he would but he didn't.
My face flushed this super bright
red and I tried to create a smile
to match my internal emotions but
I most likely ended up looking like
an idiot.
The day passed and we made more and more eye contact.
The next day it's like we had full
on staring contests.
I'm not sure how no one noticed.
I can remember the exact feeling
of butterflies whenever his
beautiful blue/green eyes met mine.
The next day went a lot like the last,
until lunch time.
My group of friends and his both
decided to go and eat in the
courtyard because the lunch room
was crowded with counselors.
There were four round tables on
each side of the courtyard, each
about five or six feet from each
Of course, with my luck, we ended
up facing each other from the two
There started another staring contest.
This one would've gone fine,
but one of his friends noticed that
he wasn't paying attention and
looked to see what he was staring at.
I didn't look away in time and his
friend caught me staring back.
My face turned into a
freaking tomato.
Day five was our last day there and
the churches went to Pier Park.
If you've never been, it's like an
outdoor mall in a way.
There's tons of restaurants and
fun things to do.
My group went to the Mirror Maze.
To my surprise, his group came to
the same building to do laser tag.
But that's okay, I didn't embarrass
myself, yet.
Later we went to subway.
I was talking to my friend and my
speech slurred.
For right behind her head was a
person in his group.
As we were leaving I jumped on
my friend because I finally
understood a reference on their
bracelet and I made a fool of myself.
That night I got 'his' number.
(I realize all of the pronouns are getting confusing but I don't want to name names)
All of his friends crowded him and
talked about him getting
"dem digits"
His church left before mine the
next morning.
I never even got to see him again.
And I texted the number, I either
copied it down wrong.... or it's fake.
And that's why love hates me

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