Chapter 33

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*Aiden's POV*
"Do you have $20?" Apollo asked me out of the blue as we got off of the Superman.
"Yes, why?" I could barely get out before he dragged me to who knows where.
I stopped him by my hand on his chest.
"I'm not telling you where we're going," he admitted.
"I know," I said shortly and jumped on his back.
"Mush!" I yelled.
He finally came to a halt in front of the Sky Coaster.
"No way am I getting on that," I told him sternly.
"Yes you are, I have your money!" He held up a twenty dollar bill.
I checked my wallet, my twenty was missing. How did he?
"You son of a-"
"Uh uh uh. Family friendly park, hun," he poked my nose.
"Two please," he told the woman and handed her the money- my money.
"Right this way," she smirked.
We followed a cement path until we came to a small shed.
They made me take off my glasses.
"Great, I get to be blind for something I'm forced to do," I frowned at Apollo.
He hugged me as I followed the instructions the worker gave me.
We stood on a platform and boom!
We were on our stomachs.
We were pulled up and up and up until we were at least 10 stories up.
"Three. Two. One. Let it fly," called the speaker.
I fumbled for the pull cord and nearly ripped it.
To say the least, I almost peed myself.

Yay! I'm getting closer and closer to the end. I can feel it. These are kinda filler chapters😬
I hope it's good, give me feedback in the comments😗
Have a nice day/night!
Next chapter will be up in a few hours😉

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