Highschool DxD: Carnage Incarnate Chapter 1 [18+]

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Everyone in Kouh Academy, every male stared at a recently transferred student walking. While the females all stared at him with heart eyes. He stops and sits next to Issei. The pervert turned his head a smiled as his fellow classmate on his right.

"Hey Y/n! You look a little tired?".

Issei said to Y/n as the male turns to the brown haired teen with a response. "Hey Issei, yes I'm a little tired because of work. Remember I have to get fish with my hands in over a hundred of negative degrees". Y/n replied as he fell asleep after talking to his classmate while slamming his head on his desk. "Holy crap Y/n! Are you alright?". Issei shouted as everyone in class stared at the two friends. The perverts eyes stared at his friend with disinterested while all he got as a reply is snoring.

The camera focused on the sleeping Y/n as time passes by. The blue eyed male woke up as he scratches his dark blue hair. "Ughh...my head". Y/n gets up grabbing his backpack and Guitar case while he  walks down the hall, stopping to see Koneko as she stares at him. "Y/n...lunch together as usual?". Y/n smiles at her and nods while he grabs the white hair female's hand. He starts speed walking towards their usual spot away from prying eyes. The male noticed from the corner of his eye, Akeno, Kiba and, Issei starring at him.

"He's getting too close to her? Should we be worried about Y/n?".

Kiba said as Y/n is a normal human. Akeno puts her right hand on her cheek as she spoke.

"Ara~ Ara~ maybe our little Koneko has a friend besides us, let's give her some space". The lightning priestess said to the knight and pawn as she turns around walking towards the Occult Research Club building. Kiba and Issei both look at one another then give one final glance at their rook.

Issei sighed and follows Akeno as Kiba is behind him. "At least she's happy". The knight said as Issei nods in agreement. "Yea, but what if something dangerous happens...what if he dies?".

*this is break is brought to you by Chibi Y/n sleeping against a tree with Chibi Koneko leaning her head on Chibi Y/n's shoulder as they both quietly snore*

"Y/n, you have bags under your eyes?". Koneko said as she opens her bento box. Y/n think about what happened last night as he done the same with his bento box.

-Flashback- Last Night

Y/n donning his Grand Chariot Armor is currently standing in front of a stray devil that was once a master. The armored teen held a long black spear in his right hand. He stares at the stray master with a facial expression of seriousness and focus. "You killed a child, expect no mercy from me!".

The stray only noticed his head rolling on the ground from a single punch. His last sight before death was the black armored Y/n as the armored individual picks up the red king piece. "So these are what they use to turn humans into devils...interesting, come out now if you all are like your master or fellow stray then your". He turned around seeing a small group of stray devils and the armored Grand Chariot looks at them as the individual uttered one word.


Y/n charged towards the devils.

-Flashback ends-

"I was working a lot yesterday". Y/n said with a smile. "So that's why you smell like fish". After Koneko said that Y/n became pale as she has a small smile on her face. "I took a shower last night and this morning! Am I really walking fish guts". He scream with sadness, the teen got up and puts his utensils in the bento box. "I'll just deal with it". Y/n was about to start walking, but he hesitated for a moment as the blue eyed male only thought about one person.


Y/n whispered her name as he continued walking away. The only human friend of Koneko, strolling around Kouh with his Guitar case. He turns to the left heading into a alleyway that leads to a dead end. Y/n noticed he's being followed, the teen turn to another alley. His followers turn to corner to not see him at all. "Now, I started to notice two reasons I'm being followed?" He held his blade against the person's next. "You two are either a Devil or a Fallen Angel? So who are you!".

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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