Chapter III. - At the library II.

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As the two friends were focused on the furious librarian whisper-yelling at them, no one noticed the tiny purplish creature fly inside, but it's not like they could have done anything anyway.

Suddenly a glowing pink overlay appeared on her face.

"Yes, Hawkmoth. I'll get you the miraculous you're after, but I'll have my revenge first." - Her mouth curved to a subtle yet sadistic smile.

They watched, their mouths agape as the librarian was engulfed by a magenta and black, bubbling ether. When she emerged again she was no longer wearing her boring gray cardigan. She was now wearing a brown jumpsuit with white sheets on her back reminiscent of a stegosaurus's plates. They seemed to have rows of small black symbols on them, as if they were pages from a book.

"You took me for a fool, but you should've known better than to mess with me!!!"

"Madame Margot we're sorry we didn't mean to-" - they started to talk but she cut them off.

"I'm not Margot anymore! I am Mad M" - and as she said that, the text on her back plate pages all changed to display a large M. She giggled with bloodshot eyes - "M is short for murder by the way." - And she lunged at them. - "You won't ever make noise in my library. Or anywhere else AHAHAHAHHAHAH"

But before she could reach them or they could react, a metal rod's sudden extension stopped her attack.

"Meow" - Luck so had it that just before these events had started unfolding, Plagg dragged him to the library because of the library's name. Sadly there was not actually any cheese in "Bibliothèque du Fromage Malodorant," but at least they noticed the akumatization that took place very early.

"You feline frigger!" - She turned her attention towards the Chat who stopped her from pulverizing the noisy young'uns.

"I need you here m'lady, at the BFM!" - Chat left a message for Ladybug and jumped on a nearby bookshelf - "I'm here!"

And so the battle ensued, knocking over bookshelves, Chat Noir and Madame M danced around the library.

"See Reni? He has no care for fine literature! He's destroying books! Truly a vile beast..." - Arnold rolled his eyes, not impressed with Chat.

"You know he saved us right?"


"Plus Ladybug will fix everything in the end."

"Please don't tell me you believe those lies..." - He scoffed - "That would violate the second law of thermodynamics"

(Dang I got distracted making sure I was getting the law's number correct and stopped writing for a month- oopsie)

She sighed - "Arnold- LOOK OUT!" - annoyance turned a shout she warned him just in time for him to duck before the blue haired heroine swung into the library.

"Sorry there!" - yelled Ladybug, and she entered the fray against Mad M. - "Go, it's not safe for you here!"

"They will never leave this place" - Shrieked Mad M, sending large pages from her back to cover the doors. Arnold and Renáta tried to ply them off but failed. It looks like they will be stuck here until Mad M is defeated.

"Do you know where the akuma might be?" - Ladybug asked the trapped friends.

Renáta thought for a bit before answering - "No I don't have a clue" - she said pouting, angry at herself for not paying more attention.

As they were talking, Chat Noir managed to push the supervillain back to the area Ladybug instrucked him to. - "Ready my lady?"

"Ready as ever kitty" - Ladybug said confidently, she kicked a bookshelf while using her yoyo to knock over another, both of which led to a domino like chain of bookshelves knocking over other bookshelves until it got to where Mad M and Chat were fighting. Chat Noir jumped away just in time to avoid the bookshelves crashing down on him but the akumatized librarian was not so lucky.

With a loud sound the bookshelves fell onto her, immobilizing her under the crushing weight.

"Unnecessary vandalism? Love to see it. Such heroes these are" - Arnold scoffed before promptly being hushed by Renáta.

In the meanwhile Chat broke the librarian's hairpin which apparently housed the akuma posessing her.

The dark butterfly flew out, but before Ladybug got the chance to purify it with her yoyo, the akuma found a new host.

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