Chapter IV. - On the streets of Paris I.

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Cortez was walking home from the famous Dupain-Cheng Bakery, carrying a bag of baked goods of all sorts when his phone beeped. He checked the notification, it was an akuma alert!

"Really? Another one? Hawkmoth doen't rest much does he?" - He lamented, ready to close the notification when a detail caught his eye. The akuma's location.

His eyes widened - "This- this can't be!" - After the initial shock, panicked, he started running but quickly realized he wasn't going to arrive on time on foot.

He got a cab and told the driver the destination. The driver looked at him weird. - "The location of the akuma? No way, get out"


The driver raised an eyebrow and smirked - "How much extra?"

Cortez quickly handed him 50 Euros

"One hundred." - The cab driver said, running his hand down his long beard.

After Cortez begrudgingly agreed to pay the extortious fee, the driver stepped on the gas and the car practically flew to the library. Cortez got out of the vehicle, the driver leaned out the window. - "Cheers mate!" - and he sped off like lighting.

Looking around, Cortez saw the people from TV recording the live footage and police officers surrounding the building , guns drawn and pointing to the library. He was stopped by an officer when trying to enter. - "Sir you can't enter"

"Thank heavens I got these earlier" - Cortez thought, and took out a doughnut from the bag he was holding.

The cops all turned towards him, their eyes wide and mouth watering. Cortez held the doughnut up high, and threw it as far as he could. The police, like a pack of rabid dogs, chased after the sweet flying torus of their desire, wrestling eachother to get their hands on the delicious ring of dough.

With the police officers now distracted, Cortez tried to enter the building, but found the door to have been blocked by some sort of white barrier. Paper, by the looks of it. But fate smiled upon the sk8er boi, and as he was examining the curious obstacle, it disappeared into a flurry of black and magenta bubbles.

He immediately rushed inside.

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