Troubled love ✔️

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Porsche's POV

I woke up this morning to an empty bed once again. It has been over a week since the last time I saw him before he left for 'work'.

I huffed out a breath and trudged my way to the bathroom.

Dressed and ready for another miserable day, i went and did housework for the entirety of the day.

It was 8:00 pm when I finished.

I couldn't lie, I was hungry, but me and Kinn always ate dinner together, therefore I didn't really have an appetite.

Instead, I went to get into a hot shower.

I got out after washing up and dressed in black sweat shorts, and one of Kinn's oversized sweat shirts.

I lay down in bed and curl in on Kinn's scent.

I soon started crying.

Did he not love me anymore?

Is he bored?

Does he hate me?

Those thoughts kept ringing in my head on repeat.

"Baby? Why are you crying?" Kinn said as he walked in their bedroom door.

I jumped up and ran downstairs, not being able to talk to him right now.

"Baby! Let's talk please?" He called after me.

After a few minutes of hiding in the bathroom , I went and layed down on the couch.
Kinn soon came up and sat on the edge of the couch.

"Y-you can t-take the b-bed." I said between hiccups.

"Baby, why are you running away? Talk to me please Love?"

He said  in a sweet, gentle voice.

"Y-you don't l-love me a-anymore." I said as clear as I could (which wasn't very clear) while I cried into his shirt that has now wrapped itself around me, nearly choking me but I didn't care as of now.

"Oh Baby. How could I not love you? I love you more than oxygen in this world, and I will continue to love you for however many lifetimes we have together." He said and pulled me into a tight embrace.

Soon after his reassurance, my sobs turned into slight hiccups into Kinn's neck.

He pulled back slightly to look into my eyes.

"Now. Can you tell me where you got this idea that I don't love you anymore? Hmm?"

He asked as he looked at my tearful expression.

"Well *sniff * You've stopped seeing me and when you do you're too tired and go to sleep without dinner or telling me anything. You always leave super early which is understandable, but my brain overthinks all of this , making me think that you don't want to be around me anymore. I'm sorry if you're bored Kinn. Please don't leave me. I can't live without you." I said all in one breath.

When I looked up at Kinn, he had a hurt expression on his face and there were tears in his eyes.

"Porsche , I am so sorry for making you feel this way. We are making a new branch in the company and I didn't realize I was making you feel so lonely. I love you more than life and hope every day that you won't get bored of me. I will start spending more time with you, okay Baby?" 

He said and I pulled him into a hug.

"It's alright Baby. I shouldn't be so emotional." I said with a small chuckle.

"You don't need to apologize Love. I didn't realize that I had been shutting you out like that."

He said and kissed the crown of my head before pulling away from the hug.

"How about this? I take a 3 day weekend and we can stay in and watch TV or whatever you'd like? Hmm? How does that sound?" He said and ruffled my hair.

I nodded excitedly, relieved that he doesn't want to break up with me.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and made a call.

" Hey boss? Could I take a three day weekend this time? Hmm? Ok? Alright, thank you. Bye." 

He put the phone down and gave me the biggest grin ever.

" That was a quick call." I mused.

"Yeah! He said I could take the whole week off!" He said and started jumping up and down like a child.

"Ahh Ahaha!" I laughed at him.

"What are you laughing at ?!" He said as he came up and started tickling my sides.

"Okay! Okay! I surrender!" I said sand held my hands up in defeat.

He stopped tickling only because he was to busy laughing.

"Pick us a movie while I got get some snacks and drinks." Kinn said and kissed me on the cheek and left to the kitchen.

I found a good horror movie I've been wanting to watch, also grabbing a bunch of blankets out of the closet and piling on the bed.

"Wow. You went all out with blankets." Kinn said as he walked in with a bowl of popcorn and two sodas.

He set the snacks on the table beside the bed and climbed under my mountain of pillows and blankets.

"Nice and toasty." He said with a grin.

"Mmm." I said and played the movie.

                ***30 minutes later***

I jumped and hid behind Kinn when a creepy figure came up on the screen.
I could see him grin and wrap me up in his embrace.

"It's ok baby. I'll protect you." He grinned.

I stayed wrapped up in his embrace and soon felt my eyes start to drop.

"Go to sleep love. You look tired." Kinn said as if he was reading my mind.
I hummed in acknowledge and cucooned my body closer to his, if that was possible.

My eyes started drooping and this time I didn't fight them, and soon enough, darkness engulfed me fully.

*****End of the movie*****

I woke up to being shifted around, feeling all the warmth slowly being pulled away from me.
I whined, now cold .

"It's okay baby. I'm just putting them up so that we have room to sleep." Kinn said as I opened my eyes.

"Mmmm. Come back to bed. Mm cold." I slurred, obviously still tired.

"Hang on baby I'm coming." He said and I felt a warm figure slip into bed.
I cuddled up to him and slipped under the one blanket that was left, seeking warmth.

"I love you Porsche." Kinn mumbled sleepily.

"I love you too....." I mumbled before darkness enveloped me once again.

######1,103 words####

Hello loves! ❤️😚
How r u on this lovely evening?
Hope you enjoy this chapter.
I've been trying to update daily but It is difficult rn because I'm in summer classes.
I'll try to post more

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