PART 2 - Hello Mother Earth

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As the guards walk out of the room, john woke up with a yawn.

"Man, what happened? Did I miss the countdown? I really hope I didn't, so, what do I missed? "
"Seriously dude? Get your ass ready, we're leaving."
"Wait what? What happened? Did I really missed something important?"

As they were walking across tons of dead bodies, John was surprised and confused. On the way out of the door, John kept asking William the things that happen just now.

"You know what? You better shut that pipehole of yours before I punch it really hard, that you can goggle your kittens. You hear me!?"
"Woah dude, chill. OK fine, I'll shut up."

As they walk out of the entrance, a bright shine of light flash into their eyes. As soon as they recover from the dreadful flash of light, they saw everything. It was Cauze everywhere they see. Battleships was crashed in the middle of the road, half survived jets was left burning beside the house, space-battleships was flying across the sky in a group, armed with unidentified heavy machines weapons broken buildings everywhere. Totally different from what they had taught.

"Woaahh, Jesus Christ! What in the world happened here? Its even worst then my bedroom..." John said with a huge wide opened mouth and his eye blinking rapidly.
"Well my friend, this is called mother earth. The place we live, we survive and the place we make dreams come true." Said by William with the voice of a mayor.

As they were walking further, a sudden of gun fire came two blocks away from them.

"Humans! I repeat, We had found two living human surviving here in area 64. We needed backup. Hey! Don't move!" One of the soldier shouted on his walkie talkie and by the same time to them.

As the soldier was calling for backup, John and William was running as fast as they could to seek cover. They was hunted down by a group of them.

"We need to move, quick!" John said while pulling William due to distraction of the destruction.

They was running till a cul-de-sac. There was no exit, no chances to run away from the soldiers and no weapons. But, a small light of hope appeared in front of John's front eyes.

"The bins! Quick! Climb on it, move your ass before more of them come!"
John was pointing at the rubbish bins at the corner of the cul-de-sac when he finished.

John climbed on the bins and jumped to a stairway to the roof deck. He puts his hand down to help William up, but as he catches William, the soldiers came from a turn, aiming their guns at them.

"Quick! C'mon, before he fires the gun. Grab hold, this is going to get rough."

As they was running up the stairway the soldiers shot the loose screw and the stairway broke while they are almost at the top to the deck. But they manage to run over it and jumped across to the roof. But, more soldiers are coming, not only them, but also fear...

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