PART 6 - Stuck

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As they bust the door open, they started packing as much weapon and ammos as they can in a big bag. They each kept a hand pistol in their pocket for emergency use. Rick found a box of handy grenade. He started throwing the grenade inside the bag but kept one in his pocket. When they are ready, the hords of zombies came, started banging open the door but was tightly shut by a metal pole, but the windows cracked slowly as the zombies bang harder by the time.

"We need to use the backdoor, when you guys are ready, arm yourself with a shot gun, I will take the bags, you guys leas the way, quick!" Rick said while carrying the bags on his back.

Both of them bust open the backdoor and found some company. He saw a man stuck in a room shouting for help, two zombies were surrounding the door. John armed his gun at the two zombies but was stopped by Rick.

"You crazy? If that shot was fired, more of them will come from the back door when they heard the shot, use melee instead, its safer."

When Rick stopped, he pulled out his machete and began slicing the heads out of the zombie.

"The man was safe inside now, William, bust that door open, we will look for your back."

William crack open the door. The man kept thanking them. He showed the way to the back door quickly when he grab his rifle out from the room.

The back was quiet, too quiet, but not for long. The walkers catches up after the window was crack open. The man open the last gate door to the outside while John lock the back door.

They ran as quick as they can with hords of zombie following behind them. Four of them tried dodging everything that stands in their way but was surrounded in a middle road. They started climbing up a bus, threw the bag on the bus and started shooting while William went in the bus, trying to hotwire the bus.

Bullets were flying everywhere, going throught zombies head, covering William and theirself the best as could do. Then, the engine of the bus started.

"Hold on tight, its going to be a rough ride back to the next stop, for food." William shouted before stepping on the gas pedal.

As William were riding over some walkers on the way, Rick and John got up trying to spot any food stores or supermarket. Then they spotted something epic.

"McDonald! The best food supply ever found in an apocalypse!" John shouted happily.

They drove to the front of the front door. Parked the bus facing the exit in case. After that, they arm their weapons in their hands, shot the chain open.

A few walkers was in the cashier wondering around. They quietly chop off the head from the zombie and started packing the bags of bread. They found a medic kit in the kitchen with some blunt knife.

"Shh! I heard something. Get down, quick!"

A new hord of walkers came to maybe buy some McDonald too. The footsteps and moaning front the walkers were getting closer and closer to the cashier.

"Shit! Get in the kitchen room now. They are coming with hungry looking faces." Rick shouted

Shutting the kitchen door behind them with the walkers behind it. There was no back doors and more of them are coming by their scents.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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