PART 4 - Walkers

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As John was wondering around the room, he saw a man was tied tightly at edge of the room. He was coffing badly, really badly. There was some dips of blood around him. John was curious and was about to check him out but was stopped by a man.

"Hey! Where do you think you are going eih? Do you know that you are only helping yourself to hell? Do you know who is it!? He is one of the infected you dummy! You want to get yourself bit!?" The man shouted to John's ear.

"Hey! He's new here. Let him go. I'll tell him what really happened here,"
Rick said. "Come over here boy, I'll tell you the whole story. I swear you will be suprised for sure." He continued.

"Now look around you, boy, what do you see?"
"Ermmm...." John whispered
"Ouh! Where's my manners. My name is Rick by the way, Rick Heris, and you are?"
"My name is John. John Shane."
"OK good, now we know both know our name, and the boy at the edge sleeping there? The one who followed you here?" Rick pointed to William while asking John.

"His name is William. Not too know him but, that's all I know about that man."
"OK, ok, now where were we? Ouh ya, what do you saw around you now?"
"Not quite the same earth I know. The first thing I saw when I woke up from a party is dead bodies everywhere."
"So you still don't know about the apocalypse going on right now? The Zombie Apocalypse?"
"Wait what? Apocalypse? Never heard of it. What going on here?"

As the conversation was going on,William woke up from his good dreams. The first thing he said was...

"Arghh! Where am I? The first thing I know is when I was smacked by some guy." William said.
"Ouh good, you friend is awake. Now we can talk the real deal going around here."
"What? What deal? What happened here? Where am I?"John asked Rick.
"We will talk about it right now. The thing you have to do now is listen and ask question."

Its been hours later since they talked. They were surprised that they were lucky enough to be safe with a group of survivals. Then, they started talking about the environment.

"I believe that you still don't know that they is a apocalypse going on right here, right? A Zombie Apocalypse." Rick asked with a serious face.
"Well... Not quite." They both answered in a curious way.
"The thing is, the earth you know may not be the normal one which you think of right now. What I meant was, the dead, are not staying dead now."
"Wait what! What the fuck? What do the fuck do you mean the dead are not staying dead. Wait,You mean that they are now..."
"ZOMBIE !!! Sir, there is a group of zombies heading towards our hideout. They are coming with hungry looking faces." One of the man shouted to Rick, panicking, no idea what to do.
"Arghh, those fuckers are coming to fuck our asses, again. Group our peoples, we are going to fight back this time. Tell them to arm themself with weapons, I have a bad feeling that some of us may not survive from this this time...

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