PART 5 - We Need More Supply

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"Go, Go, Go, we don't have all day. You two! Make yourself useful, grab a weapon which suits you the most, arm yourself, you might be the one."

As they were preparing, the walkers started banging the door, created more sound, attracting more and more. William found himself a bat and John found an Axe in the emergency box.

"Sir! Our last defense won't stand anymore longer! Its Now Or Never!"
"Shit shit shit! We need more time for god's sake!"

When Rick found a machete lying on the ground, the zombie broke into the door, walking over the hallway towards the survivals.

"Get ready! On the count of 3!
1... 2... Charge!"

Groups of survival are fighting back the hords of zombie.

"Aim on the head, it will take more critical damage to them. Remember, No Mercy!" Rick shouted.
"Arghhh!!!" The scream came, flowing into Rick's ears.

Rick get his way to the scream. But as he reaches the place, it was too late. One of the survival got bitten to flesh. Zombies were all around her, tearing out flesh by flesh out of her body. Munching the intestines they tore.

"Fuck no! No Fucking way this is happening." One of the man screamed as he saw the dead body lying, being killed by zombies.

Seeing Josh kneeling to his wife, sobbing sadly. But Sick spoke up to him

"Josh, its over. She's gone already, your wife is gone. You can't revive her by crying, and there is also no need to cry. You have to take it." Rick said to Josh.

When Rick finishes, the rampage was over. Its all over. But Josh was still kneeling on the ground, sadly crying for his wife. It was a hard day for them, a really really hard day.

"We need more supply, I was struggling to find weapon back there and I believe that you guys are starving. I also believe that the zombie could find us here is because of our scent of our shirt from last battle. So we will split up and find as much supply as we could find. John, William, you guys are new here, so you could come with me, we are in charge of weapons and food. Josh, Saggy and Malicia, you guys are in charge of new shirts and medic kits. While the others stay here. You guys are also important to, you guys are in charge to take care of our hideout. Dickson will be in charge from now here, if anything happen I will find you. Everybody got it?"
"Yes sir! Loud and clear."
"Good, now grab your remaining weapons, we are heading out and we will be back soon."

As they split up, they wondered around quietly to find more supply. John, William and Rick was finding more weapons while they wondered on the streets. They started talking about themself while wondering walking. Talking about their past, what they were before and what they were best at for defense. John said that he was one of the soldier at the military force before, so that's why he is good at guns and making grenade. William said that he was one of the blacksmith who creates sharps weapon. Which means that William is good at sharp weapons. Rick was good at leading, not very much of a fighter type but mostly good at guns. As they kept walking, they spotted something good and bad.

"Woah look, look, Jackson's armory shop. Jackpot man, a freaking fucking jackpot." John said happily.
"Don't be so happy, although we found something good, something bad is coming towards us right now. We better act quick." Rick pointed to the hords of zombie walking slowly towards them just a few blocks away from the armory shop...

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