Chapter 5: Car Race

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I couldn't help but feel offended, who does he think I am? A fucking sex doll-

"God your my fucking slut Red," he groaned into my ear while a tear slipt from my eye, not from pleasure, but from disappointment, I felt like a toy to him, for his pleasure.

I watched as he slipped out of me and tugged his pants back on leaving his leftover come all over my thighs, "Again tomorrow?" He asked before glancing to look at me, "Henry...tomorrow is our first date..." I stammered sitting up from the bed, and quickly covering my naked body with a blood-stained blanket lying beside me.
"Well, I love to skip that and eat you instead" I hold in the wanting tears to escape my eyes but I nod and hold on a second before speaking

"Sure... I guess" I surprised myself by how firm my voice came out, he rather fuck me than take me out on our first date? I thought...I thought giving him my virginity would make him realize how much I love him, I...

I grip the blanket and hide my face with my brown long hair, tears slip down my cheek as I overhear him and slip his shoes on, I wait for him to leave my room before I can release the wanting sobs and whimpers to escape my through. And when he does I glance up at the door with a blurry vision, not even a kiss goodbye or even a word.

After he slammed my door shut the tears streamed down my eyes, did he just... take my virginity and leave?

I took a deep breath at the resurfacing memories rewinding in my head, I swallow and glance at Kenji dead in the eye, no man will use me for my body ever again, I'm not that stupid fucking thirteen-year-old who couldn't defend herself. Who couldn't speak up when she felt uncomfortable in a situation.

That was a long time ago and I was a kid, now I'm an adult and I can speak my mind without worry "I came to make a truce, but it's obvious you only care about one thing" I fake the slight smile trying to hide the fact I want to shake uncontrollably and lock myself in a room Kenji frowns and slowly stood up from his seat, "What the fuck does that mean?" he softly said trying to hold in his anger from lashing out.

I let out a sarcastic laugh and folded my arms across my chest, "Your an asshole who wants me for sex! Do you want to fuck me that bad Kenji? is that why you're always fucking flirting to get in my pants-"

"Is that what you think of me?" he says cutting me off mid-sentence, pacing up to me closing the gap between us, taking a deep breath I keep calm, my feelings are getting the best of me, I have to end this argument before I break down, again. calm down Viv before he sees right through you.

"I'm not a fucking man whore Vivian! And no I don't want to get in your fucking pants, and those flirts you so-called are jokes because I like seeing you annoyed, I like it when you put me in my place why-" He cuts himself off, running a hand through his hair he takes a step back from me, swallowing I glance down at the ground trying to maintain my poker face.

"I'm not trying to have sex with you Vivian, you know I find you attractive but I would never do that to a woman, even if that person hates me for whatever reason they do" Aka me, I don't hate Kenji, I've never had.

It's just men like him, as much as I hate myself he reminds me of young-

Fuck off Vivian, your fucking pathetic for thinking like that, don't let your weak side come out.

"Now what's that supposed to mean" I scoff trying to hold in my judgment, "You hate me, and I hate you back, your are my nemesis"
"I have thousands of enemies, wait your turn" I rolled my eyes shoving his shoulder out of my way as I headed toward his door- "Everyone is right about you, you know, those rumors are all true" I froze, my bones tensed as he continued, gripping the doorknob I hesitate to turn around.

"You are a cold-hearted woman, but I know that's not the reason why, you might think I'm a player, a dumbass, an asshole, but trust when I say this Cherry I will rip you to shreds just to let you open up to me " If I had a gun I would pull the trigger right here and now, not giving two shits if I get caught, I will kill him.

Shutting my eyes I take a deep breath, blinking away the tear I gripped the doorknob and swing it open, mArK mY fUcKiNg WoRdS my ass.


"Well that sounds intense" Stella spoke through the phone while I drove around the city, going absolutely nowhere, "Did she seem hurt," she asked.

I had to think about the question before answering it, Vivian always has the same facial expression, which is the bitch face and her sarcastic smile.

I've never seen Vivian hurt, just mad or annoyed...but I knew what I said hit a spot, her mask fell for one quick second., and I caught it before she could hide it, she was hurt, and I knew it, I hit a spot no one had hit in a while.

"Not one bit" I sighed. I don't usually lie to my best friends, especially Stella or Blair, but I also wouldn't want to tell them Vivian's problems, I didn't tell Stella everything, only the part where I hit a nerve and said I would want to...whatever you guys don't need the specific details freaks.

"You know I always thought you two would make a hot-" "Don't even go there" I cut her off mid-sentence before making a U-turn with one hand while I held the phone in the other hand, heading back toward my apartment I watched as black clouds start forming.

"Oh come on don't tell me you haven't thought about it" She taunted through the phone, rolling my eyes I fist the wheel tighter "No I haven't" and it's true, I do find Vivian attractive, but I don't see myself with a woman like her, she's to...Unhumorous...

Well, Cherry does have a sense of humor, one that makes me question what she's watching late at night.

If that even makes sense, "Either way we're incapable of love" I rolled my eyes as I sped down the road, fisting the wheel tighter, switching gears on my car as I press down on the speed pedal, my car roared down the road, swerving left and right I cut people off the road, random honks and yells come behind me causing me to laugh, hey what can I say, I'm a car guy it's my job to piss people off. "Not if you get to know her"

"And why the hell would I do that? the woman hates me, and it's obvious she doesn't want anything to do with me"
"Who said anything about love" Stella cooed through the phone, I could practically see her smile in my head, switching gear I whisper fuck under my breath hoping she didn't hear me, did I really just add Vivian and love in the same category.

You are an idiot Kenji.

"Those are just your demons babe"
"No, I think I just heard you say the word love"

"Okay even if I did, I'm not the type to be in a relationship either" I sighed entering my apartment building complex, swiping my key car, I speed down the garage, my Dodge Charger SRT roars through the cave-like garage, it sounds like a goddamn shooting is happening here.

I could sense Stella's eye roll through the screen and before I could say something she went on, "You haven't even experienced love, so why not try it out...with her?" If only you fucking knew, I've tried so many goddamn times, and when I feel like I'm getting close she pushes me away.

Groaning I properly speeded down the garage- when I stomped on the break when a sudden car popped out of nowhere, nearly hitting my head on the steering wheel I gasped, "What's going on Kenji?!"

"I'm fine just...fine-"
"I told you to stop driving like a lunatic you idiot!"
"I was born and raised in Tokyo, what do you expect poop eyes?"

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