6. Small talks

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"You can't be serious?" Belphegor said looking at bee who was trying to open the locks to belphegor's party drugs

"Ugh, belle I love you honey but stop changing the locks!" Bee said crossing her arms "how am I supposed to have bigger parties?" Belphegor rolled her eyes at the slight of seeing bee try to open the locks, she would've gotten up but she was at lazy and comfortable on her throne "Then stop stealing my drugs, jackass" belphegor said with a smirk lifting up her head

"well If you would play fair maybe we wouldn't have theses problems belle!" Bee said placing a two hands on her hips while the other two tried to open the lock. as much as she tried she couldn't open it, at this point she was planning to give up, belphegor then thought about yesterday, bee was messaging on her phone while she was supposed to be talking to the other deadly sins, each ring leader would meet up and talk about things, things belphegor didn't pay attention because she was too lazy to care or thinking about leaving but she and the others noticed she was messaging someone, who thr hell was this someone, might as well ask now

"Who were you messaging yesterday?" Belphegor said

"Why do you care bell?" Bee replied

"Just asking, is it a overlord thus time or is it a lower class?" Belphegor said

"Does it matter, love is love" bee replied flying up to belphegor

"Answer the fucking question, beelzebub!" belphegor snapped back bee flew down with a sigh, she knew pissing off belphegor wouldn't be good she is the sin of sloth but pissing her off would be a nightmare, the woman doesn't even have to stand to lay a finger on you. Bee took a breath and explained who she was messaging loona who was a hellhound and that she might be catching feeling for her.

"That's all I needed to hear but don't you think liking something with power is better? I mean you wouldn't want to be like ozzie and his boyfriend fizz." Belphegor said

"The two are dating!?" Bee replied

"It's obvious, something is up" Belphegor said

"Ugh, I can date or fuck whoever I want as long as I'm happy and I feel loved in said relationship! I've been tried of you and the other sins saying who I can be with, why does it matter to you guys!" Bee said

"Because we hold a-"

"Fuck the power, standard of whatever you have no right to talk, none of you do!" Bee snapped back transforming into a bigger version of herself "don't fuck with me belphegor!" bee said

"Run along to your dog, bee" belphegor said fanning her hand "if you want to fight I'm not going too, no need when I'm speaking facts" belphegor said bee slammed her foot on the ground in anger while shrinking into her normal size. Bee used her wings and flew out of belphegor's home, a tear ran down her face she hated how things ended up back there she just wanted to go home, cry and forget this ever happened

Loona called bee a few times but her phone mute, bee dryed her tears while calling loona, loona was already home due to bee not being there when moxxie took her there. Hey bee, what's up?" loona said sitting on her bed

"Just had a heated blowout with belphegor can, sorry I wasn't home when you came over I was with her today..when do you want to meet up again?" Bee said trying to sound happy on the phone but her sadness was taking over

Loona felt the sadness coming from bee on the phone, she didn't know what to say nor do but she had a idea, tomorrow blitz and m&m was gonna go another mission maybe bee could come with for fun.

"I'm sorry to hear that but it'll be ok so tomorrow bli- dad, my dad will be going on a mission he and his employees are assassins who kill humans in the human world. I sometimes come along too but maybe we can go together, like chill or eat there not like a date or anything just uh..fun, fun!" Loona said blushing why the fuck did she say date she was doing so good, damnit

Bee giggled "sure, I would love to go where's the place at?"

"I'll send uh..you the address BYE!?" loona said hanging up the phone

Bee smiled, loona is so silly

♡ u bitch! (queen beelzebub x loona)Where stories live. Discover now