9. Confession

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"So you like me?" Loona said

"Of course bitch?" Bee replied

"How?" Loona said

It's been a week since the two seen each other now that it was the weekend bee invited loona to another one of mammon's parties both girl's had fun and now it was getting late it was time for a confession.

The two demons were laying on their backs on the top of the rooftop of mammon's green house, bee truned her head to look at loona, there was so much to love about that girl she knew underneath that nasty and violent behavior there could be someone who needs uplifting and love. Over the past few days, beelzebub's feelings for loona development like crazy what started into a awkward and rocky start ending up being something more, something special

Bee doesn't even care about what others say nor do, she loves loona and is truly happy around. she sees that loona is trying to make friends at her parents and is trying to control herself around hellhounds she doesn't like due to past events. It'll take loona a while for her to change but be will help along the way no matter what

"I like you for being yourself" bee said touching loona's hand loona was shocked to know anyone could like her for being herself, she saw herself as nothing at times and acted out to hide her true feelings. to have someone actually love her and feelings the same way she feelings is crazy, loona though that bee's feelings was just a fling or friends with benefits? But she never actually would call bee a friend just someone she was once jealous off for dating tex.

Was she even dating him anymore? was loona apart of their relationship? this whole thing was driving her crazy with answers to ignore those things she kept her white eyes on bee and her sexy body. a blush appeared on her face and she quickly looked away from her in embarrassment if she might of saw it, bee did and smiled she saw the blush on loona's face and where she was looking at "guess you like me too?" Bee said with a smirk she sat up stretching her body loona still kept her mouth shut which made bee giggle, she was gonna make loona talk somehow

Loona sat up too, she fixed her light gray hair and black dress while loona was doing that it was bee's chance. The bee/fox kissed loona on the lips, she wrapped her four arms around loona. Loona kissed bee back moaning in between breaths. Loona wrapped her arms around bee enjoying each moment of the kiss

Fuck a confession, this was the confession, loona and bee's confession. The two girls continued to kiss and touch each other until bee pulled away, she pulled away for catch her breath loona on the other hand wanted the kiss to last longer, just for a bit, she looked dumbfounded when be pulled her lips away from loona's which made bee laugh.

Loona didn't mind to to much though resting her head on bee's shoulder, a smile came across her face with that she closed her eyes. bee watched in love, she looked so beautiful and couldn't believe she was dating her.

"I love you loona" bee said wrapping her arms around her

"Love you too, bee" loona replied with a blush on her cheeks, this was a start of a new beginning

♡ u bitch! (queen beelzebub x loona)Where stories live. Discover now