11. Aftermath

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It was around 9 in the morning loona woke up rubbing her eyes and yawning since she woken up, she checked her phone and truned it out to see notifications from bee. a smile came across loona's face as she looked though the messages to see that loona went viral for hitting fizzarolli and calling asmodeus a slur. she let out a long sighed throwing her phone onto the bed

Fizzarolli had it coming anyways there was no need for some a demon to record anything if someone else was in loona's place they'll feel the same way too, loona got up from her bed and got dressed for the day. First she brushed her teeth then put on her work clothes and ear rings. When ready she went to the fridge and saw it was nothing inside "damnit blitz!" Loona said slamming the door shut blitz didn't go shopping yesterday while she was out? probably not due to crying his eyes out, loona didn't need breakfast anyways, she would get breakfast when she was outside.

Loona waited in line to order her breakfast, when it was her trun after seeing demons wall past she looked at the menu and ordered a breakfast sandwich and coffee with cream. loona took a seat at one of the tables waiting for her order to be ready so she can get the hell out of this place, just the eyes watching her was pissing her off already.


The black hellhound said handing walking away with bubblegum in her mouth, loona grabbed her breakfast and left. Now she would need to walk to work, sonofabitch! the walk to imp wasn't easy loona ate her breakfast on the way seeing demons look and point at her, probably from the video from last night. Loona wanted to kick their asses due to how small they were but controlled herself, the breakfast was to good to waste

When she got to work she walked inside laying on the couch, millie and moxxie saw and looked away loona rolled her eyes "guess you saw the video?" Loona said seeing millie and moxxie nod their heads. loona growled and ignored the couple by getting on her phone, she saw that bee was still messaging her, messaged her naked pictures of her body

a blush came from loona's face, her tail wagged and her fur went up once again, just having that body on hers would be heaven. fuck she couldn't wait until her syphilis healed so she and bee could make love. just thinking about that would be awesome loona though putting her phone down to see m&m was gone, the sound of blitz's could be heard itbwas another mission.

Loona couldn't care less seeing bee sent her more nudes, loona bite her bottom lip and slammed her foot on the ground "fuck bee, stop" loona whispered lifting up her head. Loona was a mixture of horny and not trying to be, she wasn't trying to get truned on now, specially around others in a work environment but she couldn't help it, bee was too fucking hot and her sending theses pictures wasn't helping loona held her mouth shut walking out imp to clam herself down. Loona took deep breaths behind the building where an imp followed her

Loona jumped almost dropping her phone out her hands "what the fuck do you want!" Loona said looking at the imp she was wearing a tshirt and black pants as for her hair it was a long ponytail with tiny horns on her head. she looked at loona with discuss then threw her drink at loona

"Fizz hater!" The Imp said running off with her friends, loona growled looking at the soda on her clothes and fur "You fucking bitch!" Loona said getting ready to attack but it was too late, The imp was gone. loona needed a new outfit to wear while this one washed, blitz had the keys, she didn't have money to wash her clothes and if she did what the hell would she wear, she couldn't be naked

loona punched and kicked the wall in anger soon falling to her knees, this all started over defending blitz and now everyone was going against her? It really goes to show how hell works if loona was a overlord, famous or whatever nobody would think twice for fucking with her loona but since she's a lower class demons think they could do shit, nobody even cares about what fizzarolli said like he's a god or something he's an imp under all that damn makeup and fancy clothes.

loona truned on her phone drying a tear from her eye, she messaged bee if she could come over bee immediately replied saying sure. a portal opened up where bee was smiling "hey cutie!" bee said to loona which made loona run towards her with a hug, she wrapped her arms around bee she whimpered and whined softly. Her ears went down and she closed her eyes making the same noses as before bee hugged loona back feeling the soda on her fur and clothes

"My nuds were ugly or something?" Bee said jokingly that's loona pulled away and tried not to laugh, this wasn't the moment for jokes but loona couldn't help it she found this funny because she knew bee's body was hot. "Shut up" loona said with a small smirk, rolling her eyes and crossed her arms. Bee wrapped her arms around loona and kissed her on the cheek "Got you to laugh but overall who did this?" Bee said looking down at loona's wet outfit

Loona looked away and explained a imp over the fizzarolli video, bee was shocked none of this was loona's fault. all she was doing was protecting her dad from others laughing at him loona did a good thing but could've handed it better. But no matter how loona handed it bee was always gonna support loona first everyone else came last. bee used her magic putting loona in a different outfit

Loona looked at the outfit seeing it looked at bee's loona would like for it to be something different but she couldn't complain she had something new to wear, as for her fur she needed to wash up but all of that she would worry about later. loona smiled and kissed bee on the cheek "thanks babe" loona said with a blush "aw don't worry sour cream, now let's come on!" bee said walking though the portal she made, loona followed she was so lucky to have bee..she oblu hoped the video dies down and something else becomes popular

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