18. Barbie, Barbie

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"Hey!" I'm whatchu need, I'm watchu want
I got it all, a carnivale
I'll bring you up, I'll take you down
I'm sticky sweet, stuck in your teeth like cotton candy!"

Bee singed hearing the cheers from the demons, loona was drinking out of a red cup, tonight bee sung cotten Candy once again, guess it was a theme song at this point loona though enjoying ever beat to it.

Loona then took a seat on the couch next to a imp, the imp was a female and looked like a lot like blitz, this is when loona placed it together this was blitz twin sister's Barbie wire. Holy shit loona couldn't believe she was sitting next her her aunt, she was wearing a dark ripped up red dress and black boots on her feet. Barbie snapped her neck looking at loona "The fuck you looking at?" Barbie wire said loona didn't know how to respond, she could get aggressive but it'll make a scene or she could clam down, making a good impression with barbie might be good, good

Loona took a deep breath and held out her hand "I'm loona, Blitz's daughter you must be barbie wire" loona said smiling though her teeth. Barbie laughed pushing loona's hand away "This has to be a joke!" She said loona rolled her eyes "The hell is so funny?" Loona said trying not to ball up her fists.

"Look kid I didn't know blitz had it in him to leave you're mother, how sad" barbie said are "you fucking kidding me, blitz didn't leave my mother I was ADOPTED!" Loona yelled getting ready to hit barbie. Everyone was now looking at loona and barbie, bee stopped singing and flew down to see why loona was upset.

"Great, why is it my problem? Blitz didn't tell me he had a kid" barbie said loona growled you're supposed to be here for him, for m-" "are you kidding!? I don't know shit about you and fuck blitzo! He ruined my life and to think about it you might do the same thing, anything that blitz has would end up like him or just leave like his past relationships, and mom" barbie said walking away

"You don't know shit about me..I'm not like him!" Loona yelled barbie stopped and truned her head "are you better? from the video I saw you seem a bit like him kid" barbie said walking away, loona ran at barbie but bee grabbed her "loona! relex it isn't worth it" bee said, fuck she was right barbie wasn't worth it

"Shit sorry..look can we talk, alone" Loona said to bee feeling bee pull hrr close "of course honey! we'll back everyone!" Bee said hearing the cheers from the crowd, this was embarrassing loona though and knew it was.

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