13. Sin

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"Do you know where Loona has fucking been?" Blitz said in a worry tone walking around his office "she hasn't come home last night and didn't call me!" millie and moxxie Looked at each other then looked at blitz "blitz, I think loona's with her girlfriend" millie said hoping it'll clam down her boss, maybe a bit

Blitz placed his hands on his desk taking a deep breath, millie smiled and walked over to blitz, she placed her arm on his back, millie looked over to see her husband moxxie sitting in a chair. Millie cleared her throat, a sign she wanted moxxie to come comfort blitz. moxxie Got out the chair and walked over to blitz and tried to comfort him but blitz grabbed moxxie, it wasn't anything new since moxxie was known to be thrown around, apart of him liked it though kicky bitch

He had tears in his eyes "I WANT HER HERE!?"

Loona was in the hallway of bee's place, she was supposed to be home by now but bee had company, sinners, the seven deadly sins were over at bee's place for a meaning, they would usually go to each other's homes for meaning sometimes. Loona was shocked she wanted to spend the morning with bee, at least breakfast then leave but she was nervous and a bit anxious.

She wanted to make a run for it but she wasn't gonna take that chance, she rather wait it out then make a rub for it, something that blitz would do..the fucker was probably worried sick since loona wasn't around. Just thinking about it make her smile, a bit probably crying his eyes out all over his office he was overprotective but it was sweet that blitz cared so much for loona, others wouldn't give a fuck loona though resting her head on the yellow, honeycomb walls

Bee sat next to mammon who seemed like he didn't care when lucifer was talking his ass off, bee glanced at loona looking around for a chance to leave, bee smiled and waved at loona, what the fuck was bee doing? she wasn't trying to bee seen, Like bee said once before she didn't care what others think about her dating whosoever as long as she's happy with her partner. Bee thought this was a good idea to show loona off to the other deadly sins, and prove it doesn't matter who you date or fuck

"Cutie! Get out here!" Bee said

Loona felt like her heart was gonna drop out her chest, now they all know bee had company over. Loona took a deep breath and walked out trying to smile and play it cool, but it was pretty obvious she wasn't acting the way she felt. Bee rolled her pink eyes and flew over to loona "Don't be like that sugar!" Bee said kissing loona on the cheek "this is my girlfriend loona guys!" Bee said putting her arm around loona

The sins all looked at each other then looked at bee and loona, specially loona not even asmodeus looked the guy was still kinda pissed. "Nice to meet ya bitches!" Loona said doing a pose like bee once did when she met her, bee's heart skipped a beat when she saw loona do that but it felt like a wrong time. Loona knew this was a bad idea, fuck she's panicing

"So this is the hellhound you're dating? The poor thing can't even speak nor act chill" Belphegor said getting a growl out of loona "Call me that again and you'll regret it you lazy bitch, I'll don't care if I die trying!" Loona said feeling bee tough her paw, loona soon realized she wouldn't win even if she tried, and belphegor looked to lazy much with her but still you never know. Loona relexed herself and let out a sigh "Shit, sorry" Loona said looking away

Bee could hear a small whimper from loona, bee stopped flying letting her feet touch the ground. Bee tried to grav loona's hand again but loona pulled away "Loona, I'm sorry I brought you out here, it's all my fault" bee said "I know how you feel but we can prove others wrong, with how powerful our relationship is" bee said touching loona's shoulder with her hand loona truned her head around and let out a small smile "I'll never stop loving you" bee said

"Me nether bee" loona replied feeling bee tough her cheek, loona pulled bee close and kissed her, she wrapped her arms around the queen enjoying the kiss. Bee kissed loona back embracing the kiss her four arms touched loona's body which made the hellhound get goosebumps before things could get any heated between the two bee pulled away smiling "Mama has to do some chattin' but you can get more rest upstairs" bee said feeling loona hey go of her head, hee soft hand gone "Thanks, bee" loona replied leaving, she was a bit tried anyways

Bee smiled and truned back around "isn't she perfect!" Bee said with a blush on her face the other sins couldn't care less, but gave somewhat of a response to bee. Bee took hee sit where belphegor was looking at bee, how could someone with high power date someone so low, it was none of her business and bee isn't leaving loona any time soon, just what does she see in her? belphegor wanted to know more but kept her mouth shut, poor bee in a relationship with a hothead

♡ u bitch! (queen beelzebub x loona)Where stories live. Discover now