✨ T H R E E ✨

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Flori was eyeing me with suspicion as I told her what I saw when she entered the Undercroft. I could sense she didn't quite trust me, and rightly so. I would be just as cautious if I was in her shoes.

"Please don't act like you care, Sebastian. I appreciate you bringing me here but you can leave now." Her voice was cold as she looked away. I felt a sharp pain in my chest at her words. How could she think I don't care? Besides Anne, I've never cared about anyone this much before.

The air was still between us, her arms folded across her chest as if she was trying to protect herself. I wanted to reach out and take her hands in mine, reassure her that I do care but I fear that too much would only push her away further. She doesn't believe me, I'll have to prove it somehow.

"Flori, I do care. More than you will ever know-"

"No, Sebastian. You don't." Flori's eyes were hard as they stared right into mine. Her jaw visibly clenching as if she couldn't stand being near me. "I get you had your own shit going on, but after everything I did for you to prove that I-" She cut herself short, not finishing her sentence. "Just leave."

Turning her head away, I heard her sniffle and then her hands moved up to wipe at her eyes. I wanted her to finish the sentence, what was she trying to prove to me?  I didn't want to push her though. So I got to my feet and smoothed my robes down, taking one more look at Flori.

"Is that what you really want?" I ask softly, moving closer to the bed, sitting on the edge of it. Her head was still turned away but I knew she was crying and I couldn't stand to leave her like that. My question was met with silence. I reached out and placed my hand on her arm. "Just say it again and I will leave."

She didn't answer me again, so we sat in silence with my hand on her arm, thumb rubbing soft circles in what I hoped was a comforting manner. 

Nurse Blainey came around to check on Flori again and said she can leave whenever she's ready. "I do advise you head back to your dormitory and get some rest."

Flori gave a small nod and heaved herself up off the bed with a sigh. She scraped her hair back, using the band around her wrist to tie it into a messy bun. Those golden waves all being scooped together at once. I couldn't help but watch; I always loved Flori's hair.

"Mr Sallow, please ensure she gets to her dorm safely. Bring her straight back if she has another episode like that again."

With a nod, I stood up and threw Flori's back over my shoulder then waited at the door for her. She didn't look too thrilled that I was still here but she hadn't told me to leave again so I took that as a good sign.  Her fingers gently trailed along the wall as we walked, her head tilted - she looked like she was in her own little world and it was adorable.

I decided not to speak, there wasn't really anything I could say in this moment that would make Flori want to speak to me. This was one of those things I was going to have to work on, but I wouldn't give up.

Once we reached the portrait of the Fat Lady, I noticed Eric Northcott stood leaning against the wall. His eyes wandered over Flori with concern, and I didn't like it, I didn't like the way he was looking at her.

"Amit told us you dipped out of class, are you okay?" His eyes now lay on me, a glare. Typical Gryffindor. "Poppy was incredibly worried about you when you didn't show for lunch."

She gave him a gentle smile, then took her bag from me. "I'm fine Eric, thank you." Then her attention turned to me. "You can, um... you can go now. I'm just going to go upstairs and rest, but thank you for walking me back here."

"Yeah, I got it from here." Northcott wrapped an arm around Flori's shoulder and they turned, Northcott uttering their password and they stepped through the portrait as it opened. I stared in disbelief as it sealed shut again. The image of him touching her burned into my brain. My fist clenched and I paced for a few moments as the anger bubbled through me.

"Could you please stop pacing? She's not coming back out anytime soon." The Fat Lady rolled her eyes. I scowled at her then turned around and walked away, heading down to the Slytherin common room.


I agreed to go with Ominis down to the Great Hall for dinner, but only because I was actually starving. He was sat talking to Grace Pinch-Smedley, trying to include me in the conversation but my eyes were everywhere, searching for that golden haired girl that plagued my thoughts. I wondered if she was with that Eric boy.
I hated that she wasn't in Slytherin. From the moment I set eyes on her when she walked into the Great Hall last year, fashionably late, I'd hoped she would have been a Slytherin. But the stupid hat placed her in Gryffindor of all houses.

But she fit that house, even if I didn't want her to. She was courageous, brave, selfless... loyal.

"She's not coming to dinner tonight." Poppy's voice filled my ears as she approached the table, sitting in front of me. "I was hoping to see her too, but Natty said she's staying in the common room tonight."

My eyes instantly scanned around. No sign of Northcott either. My heart wrenched. I knew why I was so bothered but I refused to admit it.
I excused myself from dinner and made my way to the Undercroft.

As I sat in the dimly lit room, I sighed as I looked around, reminded of the time spent in here, not just with Anne and Ominis, but all the memories created with Flori too. Where I taught her spells that would save her life on more than one occasion.
Where she taught me what it was like to feel again. But I let my selfishness get in the way and I asked - no demanded her to do the unthinkable. Something I knew shouldn't have been done. But I only wanted to save my sister. Flori was the key, I was so sure of it. And I was so certain it would turn out okay... but it was far from okay at the end of it all.

At some point whilst sat on one of the chairs, I fell asleep, a restless sleep filled with the memory of casting the killing curse on my uncle. The same dream I had every night. The look in my friends eyes when it was all over, the look of fear from the people I love most. I relived it every single night since it happened.

I promise this is going somewhere! Next chapter will have a bit more action in it and the story line will begin to unfold slowly but surely.

Little Lion... {Sebastian Sallow.}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant