✨ F O U R ✨

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The sound of Natty's light snores filled the dorm. Everyone was asleep, the only other sound was the thunder ripping around the castle. Lightning strikes flashing and creating light in the room.

I sat on the edge of my bed clutching my wand in my hand tightly. It was time. I just needed to get to the forest, somewhere away from the castle, away from prying eyes. Slipping my feet into my shoes, I pulled my robe up over my shoulders and as I slipped out of the dorm room.

There were still voices coming from the common room. Shit. I needed to get out of here unseen. Casting the disillusionment charm, I crept my way down the stairs and towards the door.

Eric and Leander were sat in front of the fire, talking in hushed voices. My name cropped up so I turned to face them, but I couldn't linger. I had a limited amount of time to get this done. With their backs turned to me, I was able to slip through the portrait without them noticing it open.

The rain beat down on the castle windows as the lightning continued to strike and the thunder boomed. I was never really keen on storms, but this was something I had to endure for this potion to work.

I removed the disillusionment charm once I knew I was safe to do so and made my way over the grounds towards the forest. My feet guiding me to the exact spot I needed to go, with lumos through my wand lighting the way.

I felt my blood pumping through my veins and my heart hammering in my chest as I dropped to my knees, soaked to the bone from the rain and began using my hands to dig at the earth. I could feel the soil pressing under my nails.

Finally I found it. The crystal phial. The very thing I worked on over summer. It's contents were now blood red. It was ready.

I lifted my wand, tip placed over my heart and uttered those four words "Amato Animo Animato Animagus." And without a second thought, used my thumb to pop the top off the phial before swallowing every last drop of it.

The pain, the heat seared through me, causing me to groan and drop to my knees. My skin felt like it was on fire... but then I heard it... my heartbeat... or should I say heartbeats.
My eyes closed as I focused on it, the hot searing pain still coursing through me. But I had to focus. This was it.

In my minds eye I saw her come to me, proud and fearless. Her golden coat shining. The large cat was purring, but she seemed so intimidating.
Then we became one. I felt a rumble of thunder and when I opened my eyes my vision was crisp sharp. I glanced down seeing large, fearsome paws with claws sharp enough to shred flesh in the blink of an eye.

I let my feet carry me to a puddle and looked down. The lioness I saw in my mind was now staring back at me. She had my distinct blue eyes.

Lifting my head, I looked around before picking my wand up into my mouth and starting to dig again so I could bury it, along with the phial. I would return for it when I transform back.



There were rumours of poachers near by. I wanted to scout the area in question and see what was going on. The rain was lashing down and thunder ripped through the air but I cast a spell to shield myself from the rain.
I followed tracks, human tracks all the way to the edge of the forest, not far from Hogsmeade. Then I saw the dimly lit camp, the cages full of mooncalves. It made my blood boil. I stood just out of sight, waiting for the right moment to make my move and began unlocking the cages.
I suddenly wished I'd thought to ask Flori if she still had her knapsack so I could keep them safe in there.

I pointed my wand to the last cage near me, ready to unlock it when suddenly another wand was at my throat from behind.

"Well, well, well... what is it we have here, hm?"

Their fist gripped my hair, forcing me forward towards the middle of the camp where everyone could see me.
Ashwinders, still doing what I work so hard to stop.

"You have a death wish, child." One of the females cackled, drawing her wand. Sweat began to bead on my forehead. "Don't worry, I'll make it quick, painless."
The green light began to glow at the end of her wand, her mouth opening "Avada Ked—"

It all happened so quick I barely had time to process it. The animal came out of nowhere with a roar, pouncing on the one who was about to use the killing curse on me. It's claws shredding through the flesh on her face. I winced and turned my head trying to block out the shrill scream of pain.
All wands now pointed at the Lioness I took the time to grab my own from the hand of the poacher that found me and used expelliarmus on all those I could target. But she made light work of the poachers. Covered in their blood as she tore them limb from limb.
I froze. The rusty smell filling my nostrils as she turned to me. She had blue eyes... I'd never seen a lion with blue eyes before. How peculiar.

Rustling came from the left of us, one more poacher raising his wand, almost hitting me with the cruciatus curse. The lioness let out a deafening roar and pounced. The screams of the poacher were haunting, the screams of sheer pain  as claws shredded his face. She didn't kill him straight away. She stood on his chest, pinning him down, her face closed in to his, snarling.

She roared again before biting down on his arm, tearing it out of its socket then left him to bleed out.

I was rooted to the spot, terrified and praying she doesn't hurt me. But I knew deep down she wouldn't.

The lioness walked over to me, bowing her head before looking into my eyes. Something so familiar about those piercing blue eyes, but I just couldn't place it.

"T-Thank you." I stuttered then watched as she turned and ran into the shadows of the forest.

What was a lion doing in the forest?

Like a true Gryffindor! Will Poppy ever find out the eyes behind the lioness?

Little Lion... {Sebastian Sallow.}Where stories live. Discover now