✨ S E V E N ✨

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Several days had passed since I went on a date with Eric, and he hadn't really left me alone. He'd often grab my hand to hold it in the corridors or kiss my cheek on random occasions. But they weren't random at all. It was only when Sebastian was in sight, or another Slytherin who was bound to relay what they saw to him. If I was being truly honest, I felt very smothered but I didn't have the heart to tell him to back off a little bit.

I sat in potions, listening to Professor Sharp talk about a few different potions he had planned for us to brew in the coming weeks, making us note pages with ingredients so we could get everything we needed in time. My eyes felt heavy, they were going to drop any moment. I had been out exploring the grounds last night, tracking the poachers that were getting closer to the castle. I told Poppy I would keep an eye on them, and I was, just at ridiculous hours.

"Do you want to get something to eat together tonight? Maybe a quick trip to Hogsmeade?" Eric whispered, rubbing my back as he noticed me shake my head to keep my eyes open.

"Sorry, Eric." I murmured. But I wasn't sorry really, and it was a lie. "I promised Natty I would go with her to run some errands after classes. Maybe another time?" I just wanted to go somewhere he wasn't for a while.

"Of course, sweetheart. Do be careful though, there's rumours of a lion roaming around as of late. Not sure how true they are but still. Can never be too careful!"

I froze slightly. There were rumours now? I thought I had been so careful. I must tread lightly for a while but I had no plans in the next few days to run any rounds, I had to catch up with schoolwork before it got on top of me.


The room of requirement was a safe space. It was where Sebastian and I spent our time identifying things together and planning routes to some important destinations last year. He also helped me get a lot of beasts into the vivariums, helping me care for them with Poppy. I missed our time together.

I sat at the desk I conjured, scrawling away on some parchment, making notes for Charms class, books scattering the desktop. If I didn't catch up then I was going to fail, and I just couldn't stomach the idea of failing, not when I had come so far.

"Oh, sorry... I didn't know you were studying... I hoped to find you though." His voice was soft, stopping me in my tracks.
My quill resting on my parchment caused a blot of ink for resting on it too long. Great.

I turned, Sebastian was edging around the room. His eyes were fixed on me, almost hungrily.
But it wasn't a hunger I could figure out. This was the first time we had been around each other alone since the hospital wing. I had avoided him, ignored his owls and silly little notes in classes. He had been desperately trying to get me to meet him, said he needed to talk to me. Today though, more so this afternoon he sent more notes than usual to try and get my attention.

"What do you want, Sebastian?" I sighed, turning back to my studies. With a quick wave of my wand, I removed the blotch of ink before continuing to scrawl my words for an essay I needed to write for Ronen.

"Are you and Northcott dating?" His voice was emotionless as he asked that question.

"No, we went on one date." I said plainly, raising an eyebrow. What did it matter to him anyway?
He approached the desk, eyeing up all my pieces of parchment and books. He looked... angry. "Hardly makes us a couple, why?"

"He's telling everyone you're his girlfriend now. I even overheard him boasting to Leander about..." his jaw clenched, my eyebrow show up with curiosity. Why didn't he finish that sentence? What has Eric been saying about me?

"Go on..." I urged, wanting to know what he was going to say.

His eyes met mine. I couldn't even pretend to hate him in the moment. I was already getting angry. "Finish that sentence, Sallow, or I'm going to hex you where you stand."

"He told him that he fingered you in the library and then you fucked on the Astronomy tower...and that rumour is travelling very quickly around the castle."

My nostrils flared and heat swarmed into my face. How dare he?

"Deek!" I roared, calling out for the sweet little House Elf. He would find me Northcott very, very quickly.

"W-what are you doing?" Sebastian's eyes were wide. He had never seen me in this state of anger before.
My body shook, I wanted to shift. But I couldn't. I would actually kill Northcott if I did.

"What can Deek do to help the lovely Miss Whitworth today?" I looked down into the eyes of the House Elf.

"Find me Eric Northcott please, Deek. I need him in a public area where everyone can see."

He gave me a nod then disappeared with the click of a finger. I started tidying the desk, putting away rolls of parchment into my bag, waving my wand so books drifted back to the shelf.


"Not now, Sebastian!" I snapped as I moved to a cabinet and grabbed a phial of potion out. I was going to need this.

I was so angry, I might be overreacting. But I was pure. I had never been touched like that by a man and I wanted it to remain that way until I found the one. I'm not a whore and I won't just give it up for anyone. Especially Eric Northcott.

Deek returned, he told me where Eric was and bowed before walking away.

"You." I grabbed Sebastian's arm and dragged him to the Floo connection. "With me. Now."

And like that, we were outside the Great Hall. I let go of Sebastian and slammed open the large doors with a slam. My eyes scanned the room until they settled on Eric.

"NORTHCOTT." I roared. The room fell silent.

He looked terrified. But beside me, Sebastian looked smug.
Eric looked at him, glaring.

"Eyes over here you slimy git." I snarled, flicking my wand to drag the boy closer to me.

Professor Weasley got to her feet to come over and calm down whatever was happening. She tried to disarm me but with a wave of my free hand I created a field around myself and the boy who was spreading rumours about us.

The fire was behind my eyes. And it wasn't going out anytime soon.


I'm already working on the next chapter.
Nothing like a bit of drama between students.

Little Lion... {Sebastian Sallow.}Where stories live. Discover now