✨ F I V E ✨

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I opened my eyes as the sound of the gate to the Undercroft opened, turning my head in a half asleep state and rubbing my eyes.

Flori walked in, soaked, covered in dirt and blood. What had she been up to? I watched as she conjured herself a camp bed, oblivious to me being sat in the chair. She didn't even glance around the room when she walked in. She pulled off her robe and let it drop to the floor before flopping her whole body onto the small cot. And that was it, her gentle snores filled the room. It was like as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out. She must have been exhausted.

But if she was having late night adventures, shouldn't I have been with her? That was our thing last year. I stood up and slowly walked over, she was in a state. Her hair sodden from the rain was strewn over her cheek as she slept, dirt beneath her nails and blood splatters over her shirt and up her hands, coating her delicate, pale skin.
I watched her chest rise and fall slowly as one hand slipped and dangled off the bed.

I pulled her shoes off and set them down on the floor then covered her over with the blanket that was by her feet and moved back over to the chair. I wouldn't leave her alone down here at night.

I spent another hour just watching her. She seemed so peaceful, it was hard not to. I'd never seen her look so relaxed. Eventually sleep consumed me.



My body ached intensely. I didn't want to move off the bed I'd conjured up. It may not have been the most comfortable thing but it was better than nothing. I let out a groan and pulled myself up, sitting on the edge of the bed. I was filthy, my clothes were still damp.

I felt weird in my skin, but I guess the first transformation will leave you feeling a little out of sorts. A broad smile crossed my lips; I couldn't believe I had actually done it. I'm now an Animagus.

Lifting my head I glanced around. Freezing when I spotted the figure in the chair, asleep. Why was he here?

He wasn't in a deep sleep though, because the moment I stood up, his eyes flew open which meant I wasn't sneaking out of here.

"Morning sunshine." He said in a husky voice. Oh dear god.

"Sebastian." I acknowledged trying to lace my voice with coldness. But it was hard to do when he was staring at me with those eyes.

"Enjoy your little romp around the grounds last night?" My head tilted, wondering how much he knew. What had he seen? "The least you could have done was offer an invite... for old times sake."

He got to his feet and walked towards me, I forget how much taller he is. The way he looms over me.

"Did someone hurt you?" His jaw clenched as his eyes bore into mine. I could stare into this boys eyes all day. They took the breath right out of me.

"No." I said simply, his finger hooking under my chin to make me look up at him. He didn't look convinced. My heart was thrashing away at the tiniest touch from him.

"Then why are you covered in blood, Whitworth?" There was concern clouding his eyes. I wanted to reach up and touch his face. No. Stop it, Flori.

He wouldn't believe me even if I tried to explain it. I pulled away from him, picking my robe up off the floor. "I need to go clean up."

He didn't even try to stop me, he watched me walk away with his hands left hanging at his sides, a sad look etched onto his face.


"There you are!" Poppy's voice made me jump as she threw herself into the bench next to me, almost knocking my cereal everywhere. She looked tired, but I expected that after last night. She didn't know it was me so I kept my mouth shut.

"Poachers are close by." She whispered, leaning in. "I had a run in with them last night and you won't believe what happened."

I didn't really know how to respond so took another mouthful of my cereal as she recounted everything from last night. I remembered it all so clearly but I had to act shocked.

"Now I just worry that the poor thing is going to get trapped by those foul beings." She sighed, finishing up the story.

"I'm sorry you went through that alone." I sighed, "Take the knapsack next time, will you? Or let me know you're wandering off. I'll join you."

I felt Poppy's eyes lingering on me, but I kept my own gaze down on my bowl of cereal, prodding at it. "You know...I never known a lion to have blue eyes before..." She said in a hushed tone, leaning closer. I straightened my back a little and gave her a side glance with a slight grin. 

"I knew it!" She let out her laughter, covering her mouth with her hand as people looked at us.

I quickly turned to face her fully and looked at her with a serious expression. "Tell no one, please...that was my first shift."

Poppy agreed, holding up her hand and wiggled her little finger at me. "I promise, Flori. Your secret is safe with me...and thank you for saving me last night."


The first week was eventful to say the least. The rest of the week certainly wasn't as dramatic as the first two days but I managed to successfully avoid Sebastian so I took that as a win, even if it was crushing me to be so distant from him, and even if it meant I had to stay away from all the places he would be. 

"Hey, Flori!" Eric grinned, plopping himself down next to me in Potions. It was the last class of the day and I was relieved for it to almost be the weekend. I smiled at him, pulling my books out and stacking them on the edge of the desk.

"Hello, Eric. How are you?" He had taken to sitting with me in every class possible, not sure why but I was sort of grateful to not have an open seat next to me.

"I'm alright, say...I was wondering if you wanted grab a butterbeer this evening? Celebrate the end of the first week and all that."

I glanced around the room, then looked at Eric again. "Just... just us?"

"Yeah, I mean, if you're okay with that?" 

I thought about it for a moment, it wouldn't hurt and a butterbeer did sound nice. 

"Yeah, sure. That would be nice." 

Was I going on a date with Eric Northcott?

Little Lion... {Sebastian Sallow.}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora