✨ S I X ✨

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I sat on one of the stools at the bar, engaged in light conversation with Sirona. She gave me a butterbeer on the house. One of the things I loved was how humble she was, and always so kind to offer students free drinks every now and then.

I let out a deep sigh and her hand clapped against my shoulder. "It will all work out in the end, Mr Sallow."
I gave her a grateful smile, though I wasn't sure she was right about that. I hoped she was, but things weren't going as planned these days.

Just as I was finishing my drink and about to get up, the door opened. My eyes didn't quite believe what they saw.

Northcott. With her. They found a table and he took her coat, pulling the chair out for her as if he was being a gentleman. His eyes met mine for a moment and a smirk twisted on that ugly face of his. "Sirona, two butterbeers please? For me and my date here."

Flori's head snapped up at that word, confusion in her eyes. Then she scanned the room and our eyes locked. For a moment it was just us, staring at each other and for that moment I thought she was going to ditch him and come and sit with me.

Oh how wrong I was. Her gaze turned cold and she turned back to face him. I couldn't sit here and watch their date unfold. I grabbed my coat and said goodbye to Sirona before making my way out to head back to the castle.

But what if he touched her in a way she didn't like? What if he kissed her?
I couldn't go back in there, it would be too obvious. But I did need to make sure she was safe. So I cast the disillusionment charm and waited until the door opened again to sneak back in, careful not to bump into anyone. I made my way up the stairs, it was quiet up here and dimly lit. I removed the charm and peered over the railing that looked down over the bottom floor. They were right beneath me.

I heard someone clear their throat and turned to see Sirona. I hoped she wouldn't give me away.
She approached and peered over the railing to see Flori, then looked back at me with a knowing look, then motioned for me to follow her.

She climbed another set of stairs then flicked her wand at a door I didn't even know existed. It opened with a creak and I peered inside. It looked like a bedroom.

"She had no where else to go. But I think you'll find some comfort in there."  Sirona said softly before leaving.

Glancing around, checking no one else was around, I entered the room. The room that Flori lived in over the summer.
The bed so neatly made, books stacked high beside it. Empty phials in a cabinet in the corner, a spider fang on the desk which was littered in all sorts of different pieces of parchment. Some potion recipes, letters.. sketches.

Lifting one up I cast lumos to get a better look. The drawing was incredibly detailed. It was me.
I drew my attention to other pieces, more sketches of me. I felt a lump in my throat, picking up a letter.


I probably won't even send this. But I need to hear from you. I can't even begin to explain how desperately I miss you. Miss our adventures.
I'm so sorry for everything. I'm sorry I couldn't heal your sister, I failed you.
What happened... that wasn't your fault and I will never hold it against you. I just wish I could take all of the pain away. Alas, I have no idea how to wield this magic. It is a heavy burden on my shoulders.
Oh how I long to hear your voice again... see your eyes. I just want to feel like it's going to be okay again. No matter what, it always felt like it was going to be okay when I was with you. It was us against the world.
Maybe I read the signs wrong, who knows. I thought I may have meant a bit more to you... but I think you leaving showed me I didn't. I don't. And it's okay.
I'm used to people leaving. I just didn't think it would hurt so much losing you.

I hope you're well.

All my love,
Flori x

As I set the parchment down, blinking to try and take in what I just read, my eyes flew to a book just poking out under the mass of paper.
I pulled it  out. It was such a worn book, as if she had read it a thousand times - which, knowing Flori, she probably did.

How to become an Animagus.

Could she really? No... surely not. I opened the book to tabbed pages. Lines were highlighted, circles, notes added in.
I needed to read this properly. I tucked it into my coat, out of sight and made my way out of the room.

When I glanced over the railing, they were still sat talking.

"You know, it's a good thing you don't spend all your time with Sallow these days. I heard some terrible things about him. Did you know people are saying he killed his own uncle?"

Her body visibly froze, head tilting. I could almost hear her heartbeat.

"He did not. His uncle was killed by poachers."

"You can't seriously beli—"

Flori got to her feet, leaning in close almost snarling "I was there, Eric. I saw the whole damn thing. Are you calling me a liar?"

That caught him off guard and he placed a hand under her chin, causing me to clench my jaw tightly.

"No, no. I'm sorry. I forget just how much you endured last year and I'm so sorry."

Her expression softened but barely. "It's fine." She sighed and slumped back in her seat. Pain in her face.

She was there, she saw it happen. And yet she still defends me. Why?


Trying to keep chapters around 1000 words so they don't drone on. Next chapter will be up in a few days, I'm prepping for a new job so not too much free time at the moment.


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