Chapter 4

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Anthony eventually ambled into the living room, only to find Ian staring at a blank television screen with more concentration that an ancient Chinese monk.

"Uh... Sorry I'm up late..?" Anthony said with utter bewilderment. First of all, it really wasn't normal for a person to be watching a TV that wasn't even on. Second, Anthony was usually the first one up in the Smosh household. Then again, it was already twelve.

"It's fine." Ian's gaze towards the entertainment piece wavered and fell completely when he angled his head towards his boyfriend. "Well, I guess we should grab the camera and get filming."

Although still uncertain, Anthony nodded and went along with it. After all, he would never disappoint his viewers just because Ian was acting a little funky. He had seemed perfectly fine in bed last night...

He shut off that way of thinking because he knew it would only make him worry. Although he tried his hardest to make it appear that he was equally, if not more carefree than Ian, he was still the anxious one. He was the one who had trouble believing himself. He was the one who had trouble with having faith in others. He was the one who always thought about everything twice over before acting. That was exactly why he was so indecisive as to whether he should shower with Ian, whom he had already known to be the object of his affections.

So, yeah. He was definitely worried about Ian now.

The handheld camera used to film Lunchtime and Ian is Bored was stored in the computer room, charging in front of the wall decorated with CDs and DVDs alike. Anthony turned back around to retrace his steps down the hall and grab the camera, which was still charging, as per usual. After unplugging it and heading back into the living room, he asked Ian, "D'you wanna drive today?"

"No... If that's alright with you..."

Anthony frowned deeply. Okay, this was entirely wrong. If Ian ever had the chance to burn gasoline, he would. He loved to drive, and especially to race down empty country roads, where speed limits were ignored and stop signs were scarce. The open stretch had always baffled Anthony, but to Ian, it was like his own language was being spoken by the screech of the tires, the roar of the engine. Why was he throwing that all away now, especially since he could flaunt his skills to Anthony?

"What's up, dude?" Anthony questioned honestly. He really didn't need Ian to be acting weird while filming for a channel where their real personalities were expected to shine.

Ian just shook his head while looking at his feet and mumbled, "Nothing." Then, sensing that his transparent lie had no effect on Anthony's worried attitude, he faced him fully and put on a bittersweet smile that couldn't fool the most gullible of people. "Sorry... My mind's just preoccupied."

Although it was clearly still a cover up, Anthony just went along with it. After all, what if Ian really was just emotionally constipated? The visual brought the corners of Anthony's lips up, only to have them fall into a hardened line. He prayed that Ian was just going through a phase, like the heavy metal phase he himself had gone through as a teenager.

The two walked out into the garage without a word breaking the silent spell that had fallen over them. Then, Anthony guided Ian to the passenger side of Anthony's car and opened the door for him, hoping the kindness would help his gloomy mood. However, Ian just mumbled a near-silent "Thanks." and continued looking ill.

While getting in on his end of the car, Anthony flicked on the camera and put on a happy expression before hitting the "Record" button on the camera. He took his place in the driver's seat.

Smile plastered on his face, he cheered, "Hiya guys, and welcome to another episode of 'Lunchtime with Smosh'. Ian, what will we be eating today?"

"Only the most delectable of all foods." He, too, wore a grin similar to a Chesire cat and spoke like he was living life to the fullest. Well, at least that hadn't changed. And, now he was acting normally enough to go on recording the newest episode. Anthony hadn't expected this much luck with his boyfriend. He thought that they would have to try at least three times before getting the introduction right.

 "Pizza?!" Anthony yelped with feigned delight.

"No, you idiot, I meant tacos. And you're s'posed to be Mexican!" The playful banter continued.

"I'll admit, I am a disgrace to my ancestors."

"True, true." Ian held out a hand for Anthony to pass him the camera so he could begin the journey to Taco Bell. Then, something unexpected happened.

"Well, Anthony and I have discovered something about ourselves," Ian began, aiming the camera at his face. Anthony's jaw dropped. He hadn't even considered what they would do about their relationship, as far as publicity went. Not that he objected to what Ian was doing. He was just nervous about what the fans would think.

A serious look shadowed Ian's face as he stared at the camera intensely. It was all to make it more dramatic, but Anthony was still swayed by Ian's expression.

"Surprise, bitches - we're gay!"

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