Chapter 6

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There was a small silence in which Anthony swallowed his shocked expression and faintly smiled as though he was trying his hardest not to fall over and die at that exact moment. Ian almost laughed at his boyfriend. Hell, revealing felt fucking nice, but what made it all the better was the fact that his mind was dumbstruck and therefore quiet. It wasn't fighting against him at the moment, and he was going to use that to his advantage.

He started from the beginning, telling the camera their story - a story of a hot shower. "You're probably wondering when the fuck this all came up. Well, it was actually only a few days ago..." At first, it was a bit awkward since Anthony still had that weird look on his face, but as the story of them falling in love (There was that word again...) progressed, Anthony began offering nods and grins for specific parts in the plot.

"No one likes a cold shower, so when the water heater was low on hot water, we opted to shower together." In retrospect, it was a stupid decision. It wasn't completely necessary to take a shower at the time, and they were grown men. They shouldn't have done it. And yet, something had gotten a hold on them and made it seem like they really had to shower together that one time, no matter how nerve-wraking. Maybe they just weren't thinking straight (hence Anthony's coyness). But Ian liked to think it was fate that made them shower together, no matter how cheesy it sounded on camera (which was why he kept this all to himself).

Anthony butted in and added, "Yeah. That, and the fact that no one can resist showering with this." He flexed his arms to the camera. Ian rolled his eyes, laughing. Anthony was definitely back from his awkward spell.

Ian's gaze fell back to the eye of the camera, and he gave it a half-smile that he usually reserved for those rare moments when he felt the need to shine. "And, the rest it history - that is, because I do not need to get graphic with you guys." He felt his skin flush bright red.

He could feel the same sort of embarrassed heat radiating from Anthony beside him, and he quickly shut the camera off. He didn't feel like filming on the ride to get food today. Peering out the window, he realized that they hadn't even left the garage yet. He looked to Anthony, whose eyes were lit up and sparkling with life.

"I'm actually really glad you did that... Thanks for getting the hard part over with," Anthony spoke with no resentment. He really seemed as though a heavy weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

After turning the key in the car's ignition (they both usually left their keys in their cars because their cars were always parked in the garage) and hearing the corresponding roar of the engine, Anthony ordered, "Just promise me something." Nodding, Ian listened intently.

"Please, just tell me what's wrong the next time you start acting weird. You really got me going." Anthony's happy tone gave way to the seriousness of the statement.

Flinching at his words, Ian bit his lip with a somber expression playing its way onto his face. "Alright... Sorry about that. I really didn't mean for you to feel bad."

Anthony felt his smile return. "It's fine, just don't do it again." His hand made its way through his hair as he pushed the button of his garage door opener that he kept on his dashboard. "What d'you think the fans are gonna think?"

"I think our real fans'll stick with us, no matter how gay. It'll be fine, I swear." Ian leaned over the center console to hug his boyfriend, and even allowed himself to kiss his cheek. Anthony automatically responded to his touch, leaning into the small kiss and wrapping his arms around Ian. Ruffling Ian's hair out of place, he let go of him and let him return to his seat before the two put on their seat belts and he backed out of the open garage.

On the way to Taco Bell, the two Internet stars made small talk.

"So... I guess you're not filming on the way to Taco Hell?" asked Anthony, using their mutual nickname for the chain restaurant.

"Nah... I think revealing our sexuality was enough to suffice for the ride there." Ian's lips curled into that half-smile again. Anthony could swear he heard his heart skip a beat.

"Suffice... That's a pretty big word for you, son!" laughed Anthony, trying to ignore the heat rushing to his cheeks when he saw that Ian's special grin still hadn't disappeared. Was this a strange sort of fetish? Anthony didn't know, but he knew that there was now a place in his heart reserved only for that smile.

"Shut up, Daddy! I'm a big boy now," Ian protested, mimicking a six year-old's squeaky voice. The beginning of the role play session made Anthony quiver with anticipation.

"Yes... I suppose you are a big boy, aren't you..." Anthony whispered seductively, and without his eyes straying from the expanse of road before him, he reached over with his available hand and rubbed it slowly and temptingly over Ian's closest thigh.

"S-stop. F-finish at-t home," stuttered Ian, eyes half-lidded with lust. Even though Anthony was only teasing his upper leg, he could still feel the effects begin to stir within his mind.

Take him now! At the next stop light, massage his-

No. Not while we're supposed to be filming.

Ian lifted his hand that was still gripping the camera and Anthony immediately pulled his hand away from his thigh when he noticed what he was doing.

"I thought you weren't filming on the way there," Anthony accused.

"Changed my mind," Ian stated bluntly before flicking on the power of the recording device and aiming it out his window to capture the traffic surrounding Anthony's car. "Ermagherd, check out that dress!" he exclaimed, mimicking a teenage girl's annoyingly nasal voice.

"Ermagherd!" echoed Anthony. Then, Ian cut the camera off again.

"Figured we'd get at least one shot of the streets," Ian reasoned before Anthony could ask. Anthony only shrugged and veered into the Taco Bell parking lot, where he then proceeded to head into the drive-thru.

Since the line was practically deserted other than a mini van that was collecting its food from the front of the line, Anthony immediately pulled up next to the order machine. Ian turned on the camera to capture the experience.

A female's voice was heard emitting from the machine. "Hello, what would you like today?"

Anthony put on a horribly-delivered southern accent and said thickly, "Ah'll take uh crunchy taco box an' two large Bajuh Blasts." He didn't even need to ask Ian what he wanted to know exactly what to order.

The order appeared on the machine's screen. "Will that be all for you?"

"Yes ma'am."

"That'll be fifteen forty-seven." 

"Thank yuh," Anthony drawled before driving up to the window where the food came out. The girl who had been talking through the machine was there, a box of Mexican delights in one hand and two large sodas balanced in the other. The handed them off through the opened window and was  in return given the appropriate amount of cash back, forty-seven cents and all.

"Have a nice day," she said with little emotion.

"Thank yuh kindly," replied Anthony before driving off. Then, the two YouTubers burst out laughing.

"Nice accent," Ian chortled.

"Thanks," responded Anthony. Then, after another moment of laughter, he yelled, "Shit! I forgot to sing the Sitting in a Drive-Thru Song."

"Oh well. The accent made up for it." Ian was still snickering, small tears of joy leaking out of his eyes.

Wonder if you could convince him to sound like that in bed...

Oh, shut up.

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