Chapter 5

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Ian hadn't originally planned to publicize their gayness (if that was even a real word). Honestly, he hadn't even thought about what they would do about public opinion. However, his mind had driven him to this decision.

When are you planning on the great reveal?

What the fuck are you talking about?

You know... When you tell all of your fans about your boyfriend? Or is he just gonna be your dirty little secret?

His stomach begun churning. It was just after he had run to the living room after eavesdropping on Anthony"s sleep talk, and he was already nervous. He was trying his best to remain cool (For God's sake, he was an actor!), but the sound of his pounding heart was all he could hear. He hoped Anthony wouldn't be able to hear it too.

The sound of the sink in the bathroom being turned on resounded throughout the small house, and Ian sighed heavily.

I'm really getting tired of your shit.

Then why don't you do something about it other than talk to yourself?

The statement was too true to continue to argue with. Instead, Ian tried a different tactic by ignoring his insistent brain. However, it was extremely difficult.

Hello? I said, why don't you do something about it? Hello? HELLO?!

The words blared through his head, and in Ian's frustration, he whispered aloud, "Fuck off." Then, he concentrated harshly on the lifeless television set before him, pushing away all of his mind's irritating comments by channeling all of his focus on the screen. But, it's words still got to him. What  was he going to do about the publicity of his love for Anthony? Love. Was he really going as far as considering Anthony as his love? Sure, they had fucked a few times, but that was it... Right? Okay, yes, he would admit that he definitely cared for his boyfriend. After all, they had been best friends before this... Situation. And they were still best friends.

Ian really didn't know what to think anymore. What one side of him insisted and what the other side denied were getting tangled together and the fact that he was in the rough draft of a lasting relationship just tied the bow on the perfect mix of chaos. Well, he did know one thing. He did feel strongly about Anthony (whether it was true love or lust), and that was what would pull this mess apart. He would save Anthony from this insanity if it was the last thing he did.

Anthony walked into the living room after preparing himself to face the day as soon as Ian's objective latched itself onto his mind. He would get rid of that voice in his head to save his chemistry with Anthony. And he would start with defying its orders.

Nausea washed over him as he realized what he must do. Well, he or Anthony would've done it eventually, but it still was definitely going to be a chore.

"Uh... Sorry I'm up late..?" Anthony stated with a bit of question. He was obviously onto Ian's charade, like flies and honey. However, Ian wasn't going to let poor Anthony get caught in the honey. He was going to solve his own personal problems by himself, without involving innocent bystanders.

"It's fine." Ian allowed himself to look at Anthony, something that he was trying to avoid doing unless absolutely necessary. His eyes were famous for giving him away in tough situations, and he wasn't going to be screwed over by something as small as a glance. He forced the words out of his mouth, "Well, I guess we should grab the camera and get filming."

Seizing the opportunity to abandon Ian and his apparent emotional breakdown, Anthony immediately obliged and strode down the hall to retrieve the basis of all their film work. When he came back, the camera was secured in his left hand and his face was flushed with nerves.

"D'you wanna drive today?" Small amounts of anxiety were present in Anthony's voice, but Ian did his best to ignore it.

"No..." It would be best if he didn't drive with such a cluttered mind, especially since his mood tended to affect his driving performance. "If that's alright with you..." he tacked on lamely. Even though he was avoiding one of his hobbies, he still rejected the concept of being rude.

Anthony's unbelieving frown shook Ian temporarily. What if lying about his complications would only result in bad things? No, he had to push forwards. Just another milestone to collect.

"What's up, dude?" The tone in which Anthony spoke gave way to his true intentions; he just wanted to help his boyfriend. He didn't want any trouble, just love. Love. Damn, why was that word cropping up so frequently?

"Nothing." Ian's gaze fell to his shoes as he said this. Deny, deny, deny. Then, realizing that that answer was nothing near satisfactory, he put on a watery smile and apologized, "Sorry... My mind's just preoccupied." You could definitely say that.

The two began ambling towards Anthony's vehicle. In a gentleman-like gesture, Anthony led Ian to the passenger side and even opened the door for him. The sweetness in the action temporarily fazed Ian's facade, and his mind took the opportunity to ramble.

Aw... So sweet... It's a damn shame that you're going to break his little heart with this silly game. I mean, come on! You won't even admit that you love him!

The thought rusted when Ian quietly murmured, "Thanks." He was now in the car, prepping himself for what he was about to do. Anthony too entered the vehicle and immediately turned on the camera, thus beginning the episode.

An artificial grin crept over Anthony's face as he cheered, "Hiya guys, and welcome to another episode of 'Lunchtime with Smosh'. Ian, what will we be eating today?" Ian could feel Anthony's eyes flash to him expectantly.

"Only the most delectable of all foods." The familiarity of being on camera soothed his worries as he fell into the lull of the conversation. He could even feel a photography smile form on his own face.

Happily, Anthony yelped "Pizza?!" Ian suppressed laughter. He loved hearing the joy in Anthony's voice, no matter how fake.

"No, you idiot, I meant tacos. And you're s'posed to be Mexican!" He also enjoyed being in on little jokes like so.

"I'll admit, I am a disgrace to my ancestors." Anthony seemed relieved that everything in the episode was going so smoothly. It made Ian partially ashamed that he was about to break away from the normal, but not enough that it would dissuade him from it.

"True, true." As per usual, the camera was passed into Ian's hands so that Anthony could navigate the road safely. The warmth from Anthony's fingers was slightly comforting.

Ian aimed the camera at his own face. With little to no hesitation, Ian began, "Well, Anthony and I have discovered something about ourselves." He could feel the camera slip slightly in his now-sweaty fingers. His grasp, however, choked the camera as if it was his lifeline.

"Surprise, bitches - we're gay!" he exclaimed with appropriate bravado.

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