Chapter 1

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Genevieve POV

I hate mornings. I hate the fact that the light comes through my window in the mornings. And I hate that I have to get up from my comfy bed. My eyes slowly start to open while I lay in bed thinking about my life and what I'm going to do today when, all of a sudden I realize that today is my birthday, just as that thought popped in my head I hear a knock on my door.

"Gen?" I hear my father call from outside my bedroom

"Come in dad, I'm awake." I see him walk in with my favorite chocolate chip pancakes, "Happy birthday Gen!" he says. "Thank you dad for making my favorite, but you know I hate my birthdays, please don't tell me you planned something for today I really just want this day to be like any other."

I have to remind him every year because he has hope that maybe one year I will celebrate it. I see the disappointment in his face for a split second before he smiles and says. "I know you don't like to celebrate you birthday but that will not stop me from congratulating you or giving you a present."

As soon as he says present he pulls out a small wrapped box from behind him. "Fine just one present" I warn him and he nods while handling it to me saying to open it. When I do I see a beautiful locket, I gasp,

"Dad I love it thank you very much" I pull him into a hug, "Put it on me please" I turn around then face him when I feel the weight on my neck.

We head down stairs so that we can eat breakfast cause I didn't feel like ruining my bedsheets by making a mess if I ate on my bed. While having breakfast dad asked me. 

"What are you plans for today Gen?" I honestly didn't know what I was gonna do today,

"I'll probably just go to the library and study for my upcoming exams."

Even though I just turned eighteen I am already in collage because I finished school early,  do to the fact that I spent my whole high school life alone and getting my work done as fast as possible so that I can get out of there and continue on with my life.

The only downside is that my father hates when I don't got out with friends like regular teenagers, and is constantly telling me to put myself out there. He lets out a long sigh, 

"Gen why don't you go out and have fun, go watch a movie or go bowling with friends I don't want you to be alone by yourself all the time, it scares me to think that maybe one day you will be the little old lady with a thousand cats" I laugh at what he said.

"Dad I understand your concern but I promise you I won't be the crazy lady with cats all over the place, hopefully one day I will get married and have kids." I actually don't have any desire to get married or have kids, I've always imaged myself alone but I decided not to tell him that so he won't constantly worry about me.

"Thank god I actually thought I might have to put you in an arranged marriage so that you won't end up lonely when I am gone" he says.

"Dad please get those thoughts out of your head and stop talking about your death your the only parent I have left after mom left us when I was a baby" I could see the sadness in his eyes when I mentioned my mother.

I however was not sad I was angry at her for leaving us alone, she was the reason I don't celebrate my birthdays considering she left on my first birthday, we never heard anything about her after that. "You're absolutely right Gen" dad said. He stood up and washed his plate

" I should get going I'm going to be late for work." he came towards me. "Happy birthday Gen" he said while hugging me then a kiss on my forehead. He grabs his stuff then walks out the door leaving me alone in the house.

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