Chapter 5

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Killian POV

As she lays in my arms unconscious I felt something I haven't felt for a long time, warmth. Her body feels perfect against mine and having her in my arms some how soothes my worries. Carrying her back to the house and putting her into her room while being careful not to hurt her injuries, for some reason I didn't want to set her down into the bed I wanted to keep her in my arms forever where I know she is safe.

After I set her down on the bed I removed the hair around her face, I do one last check to make sure she won't fall off the bed or hurt her injuries, when I see she is fine I walk out of her room and go to the living room where the rest of the Demi gods are sitting around in a circle. It seems as if they were all in shock cause no one was talking until George said,

"So are you going to inform us why we are all sitting here?"

In the Demi world the older you are the higher status you have because apparently you have more experience and are considered wiser, so because William is the oldest he was put in charge which also means he gets to call all the shots.

"I wanted to inform those of you that were not here a couple of minutes ago about what happened with Genevieve. As we previously discussed I was the one to inform her of everything that was going with her, I so took the opportunity to tell her about her mother, at first when I told her she thought I was crazy and informed me that I should seek medical attention but after a few minutes of persuasion and me showing her my powers she finally realized the seriousness of the conversation, and I guess she got scared so she took the opportunity and bolted out the door, as she was running down the stairs she tripped and took a nasty tumble down, managed to reach the backward where the six of us corned her." He then turned to look at Celeste and me.

"And after a few uncomfortable words exchanged between Celeste, Killian, and Genevieve, she lost control and her powers burst out of her."

Everyone but the six that saw it happened looked at bit skeptical. What Genevieve did today has never been heard of in the history of Demi gods she was the first to have her powers show the day after her birthday.

"Look I know how it it sounds but you can ask any of the six that were there, she had a outburst and caused a cloud of lighting with fire covering her hands and a tornado of wind around her, not only was her powers supper strong but she managed to do all three at the same time." The rest of the Demi gods turned to look at us in confirmation, when they saw we were serious they immediately also got serious.

"So where is she now?" Asks Ezra

"After her outburst of powers her body couldn't handle the pain so we had Aurora heal her, but I guess it was too much so she passed out, then Killian took her to her room where she is resting, she should be up in a couple of hours. I also wanted to get you guys opinion if I should tell Connor about her powers showing up." Everyone stayed quiet thinking about what would be the best choice.

"I think its best if we don't mention it until he ask us specifically about her powers, she has to much going on right now in her life I think its best if she has some time to herself and fully grasp the situations that is going on, besides Connor is a asshole he would probably want her to show him her powers and treat her like a ginny pig." Said Isabelle.

Most of them nodded agreeing with her plan but on a few faces you could see a bit of worry thinking this plan was going too backfire in our faces. "Thats what I was also thinking. Hopefully she calls down soon so that we can start her training that also reminds me that if my theories are correct she has thepowrs to control some of the elements, which might include earth, water, wind, fire, thunder, ice, and shadow. Most of us have those powers so we would all have to individually train her in each element."

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