Chapter 3

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Genevieve POV

I go towards the door to greet my father like I've always done since I could walk, I love to do this cause as I'm running towards him I could see the biggest smile in his face with adoration in his eyes and his arms wide open ready for him to take me in his arms that just soothe all my thoughts away.

"You know every single day you run into my arms when I get home from work reminds me when you were little and would sometimes trip on your own feet cause you would go to fast, the funny thing was that you would never cry when you fell." you could hear a little laughter in his tone.

"Father you know I hate crying it makes my look so ugly and my face gets puffy, I wish I was one of those girls that could look pretty even when they're crying" he looks at me sternly.

"Genevieve how many times have I told you not to call your self ugly you are anything but ugly, in fact you are the most beautiful girl in the world, if I hear that you have called yourself ugly or any displeasing word for that matter I will be very disappointed."

Father has never liked it when I would describe myself in an ungrateful manner, when I was little he would say that princesses should never say or think mean things about themselves, that rule would also extend to cussing.

I remember the one time I cussed he got so enraged that he gave me the silent treatment for fifteen minutes before I started crying as soon he saw my tear he immediately took me in his arms and said.

"I'm so sorry my baby, I didn't mean to make you cry please stop crying I don't like seeing you upset, I promise I will never ignore you ever again, but you have to also promise you will never say bad words again can you do that for me?" I think that was the only time me and my father were ever angry at each other.

"You are absolutely right father I am sorry I promise it won't haven again" he smiled at me and kissed my forehead.

"Anyway how was your day Gen? What did you do?" we walked to the living room and sat down next to each other,

"I didn't do much, I went out to the mall and grabbed a drink at a cafe then came back home and watched some TV while waiting for you to come home." he listen while loosing his tie.

"That's great Gen as long as you were being safe and had a good time" My thoughts went to the man that has been following me around, I haven't told my father about him because he already has things he needs to worry about and I don't want to add to the list so I refrained from telling him.

"Yeah it was great, How was you day at the office? Is everything okay you kinda came home late today?" he lets out a sigh

"It was good just some meetings with potential business partners, Im sorry I came home late on your birthday, but everyone from the office sends you birthday wishes." It was nice to know that people from my fathers still remember my birthday, it's been a while since I've stopped at the office I should really go stop by one of these days.

"Well tell everyone in the office thanks on my behalf" we stayed on the couch for a few minutes before I remembered that father probably hasn't had food since the morning.

"Did you have lunch in the office?" he shook his head in disagreement. "No I was to busy in meetings to have lunch." I stood up and took his hand both of us walking to the kitchen, it was around seven so we decided to have dinner.

When we both finished our food we went our separate ways, father left to his office and I went to my room to do a little bit of studying before going to bed. I have always been grateful for my father, all the things he does for me is truly unbelievable I truly consider my self the luckiest girl in the world to have him. Most people might think that only having a father can be challenging but I honestly wouldn't have changed it for the world. He has been there for me every time, but a part of me can't stop overthinking that he is lonely and wants to be with someone again.

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