4: We are with you TW

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Okay another kinda heavy chapter because I do not have an excuse, In this chapter they report Terin because happy. TW: SA, SH, ED, SUICIDE, POLICE, SCHOOL REPORTS, AND MENTAL HEALTH, LOVE YALL STAY SAFE! -Ben

                                                      EMMILIA'S POV

   The next day at school me and Kris went to fill out a report, Cam faked sick to google help resources. "I-I'm scared," I say to Krissy  looking down at the 3/4 filled report, "H-Hey listen you are d-doing the right thing, you didn't a-ask for th-that." Kris said hugging me tight. "Thanks, I'm glad to have you by my side," I said hugging Kris. Ronny called " So I found an organization to help and a helpline," Ronny said excitedly, "OK TELLUS!" I said happily. "So the organization is RAINN 877-995-5247 (This is the real RAINN phone number in case yall need it💖) K," Ronny said full of hope. "Thanks," I said finishing the paperwork, "Let's turn it in," Kris said Smiling.

                                                          KRISTEN'S POV

I followed Emey as she turned in the forum, I hugged her tight, "I-I Have ssomething to t-tell you after school." I whispered to her smiling. "SQUEAK SQUEAK" Beep well squeaked  out  clearly knowing what I meant. I absolutely love Reaper, their sweet voice like honey and the way they will defend you like a hawk. Ronny and I have talked and agreed that if Reaper is comfortable with it a poly relationship.

                                                     EMMILIA'S POV

 I was internally screaming, "Me too" I said laughing nervously, I had been questioning my gender for awhile now and I know I am a Demi-Boy, I like They/Them Pronouns, I think I might be Bisexual. I think before Kris says what she has to say I will come out to her and Ronny.

 I quickly turned my head when my name was called. "Emmilia Z we need to speak to you we have called your parents and police..." I was instantly terrified. "Is this Emmilia Zex?" a officer questioned "Yes," I said begging to tear up. "My baby" Mom said running in engulfing me in a tight embrace. "Don't worry you're safe now" Mom said. I only then grasped the reality of everything...

                                          SEE YOU NEXT CHAPTER BYE

So ya another heavy chapter love yall stay safe. Bye.

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