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How could she do such a thing to me? Out of all the things she has done, this had to be the most out-of-line. I always knew that she was an extremely spirited, headstrong individual who is the perfect mix between me and her mother, but this...this was extremely deviant. How could my daughter—my dear Anaysha—be such a deviant person like this? That is definitely not the way you ascend to the throne, my dear. That will never be the way to get to the throne. I swear on my life that if she ever tries something like this know what? There will never be another chance for her because once she arrives back here, she'll be dead.

I will not make an exception for her execution just because she is my daughter.

That's when I started plotting different scenarios into my head. How could I possibly bring Anaysha back here? I know all too well that she won't be coming back any time soon, so I had to come up with a plan. A plan so impeccable that poor Anaysha would not notice a thing. Not even the tiniest detail.

I was even so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice my eldest quietly walking in. Why he was there was quite simple. I had called him, telling him that I simply needed to talk to him about something. Something that will most certainly affect him and his future with this kingdom.

"You wanted to see me, Father?" he questioned.

I turned away from the fireplace to face my eldest son, who was almost an exact copy of me. Sure, he had some traces of his mother in him, but he looked mostly like myself.

"Yes, I did. I needed to talk to you about something rather important."

"Whatever it is, Father, I will listen with open ears," Crodell said firmly.

I inhaled sharply before telling my son the advice that I wanted to share with him. "It's time you start learning the tips and tricks into being a good king since you'll be taking over the throne after I die."

He then joined my side, showing at least some interest in what I had to offer. I considered it crucial advice for when you're ready to take the throne, but I wasn't sure of what Crodell thought of it.

"You have to understand, Crodell, that it takes a lot of courage and guts to be a king. You have to be able to use all that pent-up power against other people. Without doing that, you simply cannot get anything," I started as I showed Crodell the seaside view on a nearby balcony. "Without power, you simply cannot gain all of this. This will all be yours someday, Crodell. But you have to have enough strength to control all this and more."

Crodell looked hesitant after I said that in such a cruel tone. "Do I really get all of this one day?" he asked.

"Of course, son. Once it is time, you shall inherit the throne and the land that comes with it. But in order to get all this, you need to be firm and demanding. Don't let others stop you on your path to greatness," I explained.

Crodell hesitated. "But do we need to use such aggressive methods all the time?"

I turned my head to Crodell, being dumbfounded by what he just asked me. Usually, my eldest would always go along with my word, obeying it down to the last detail. His question, however, indicated something different. It was like he was veering away from his typical behavior, which is something I didn't want. I expected my son—and all of my children—to obey my every command without questioning it. After the ongoing debate I have with Anaysha, I don't want the same to happen with any of my other children, especially Crodell—the heir to the throne.

"What are you talking about?"

"We don't necessarily have to use such aggression all the time," Crodell elaborated. "Sometimes, royals use diplomatic reasoning. Actually, Anaysha resorts to this usually and doesn't use aggression unless it is absolutely necessary."

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