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Back on the harbors within Dorne, I had agreed to meet with my brother Crodell—who was sent to formalize the conditions of surrender for the Iron Islands and finally recognize Dorne's victory—and my mother, who decided to tag along to make sure that my brother and I didn't fight. Not that we would. Crodell and I were only torn apart because my father forced us to break apart.

I decided to respect both my home kingdom's culture and Dorne's culture by wearing a dress that was a combination of both wardrobe styles. It was a regal gown with some metallic elements, but instead of it being gray or black, it was a light pink with dark-pink, floral decals. White accented the gown by being the color of the sleeves and part of the skirt. Overall, it was a dress that I considered to respect both cultures.

"Thank you for coming here," I said to my brother.

"Of course," he answered. "I really had no other choice. Everything's in ruins back home, including the fact that Father is pissed that he lost."

I chuckled. "I could imagine. He's never lost to someone that falls below him in the chain of command."

"And I decided that I didn't want to be within arm's reach of him just in case he takes his anger out on me," Crodell explained.

"Then, why's Mother here waiting along the bow of the ship like that?" I asked.

Crodell glanced over and saw our mother watching us from the ship, which wasn't terribly far away. It was maybe only fifteen feet away from us.

"She's here to make sure we don't fight," he answered with a smile.

I laughed at the nonsense thought of me and my older brother fighting. The truth is, we never actually fought. We were only torn apart because of my father. He didn't like the fact that my brother—the heir to the throne of the Iron Islands—was trying to associate with me because I was apparently a criminal in his eyes.

Crodell and I never actually came to blows.

"But I am glad things can go back to normal now," he remarked.

I glanced mournfully over to Oberyn, who stood several feet away from us and simply watched.

"I guess so," I said sadly.

"What's wrong? You don't seem content with the fact that everything is going back to normal," my brother said.

I struggled to voice what I was thinking. "It's just—my heart doesn't seem to be satisfied. It's like I know that I should be somewhere else. I should be with someone else."

"Go ahead and tell me," Crodell said. "Who am I to judge you and your choices?"

"I just—I feel—I feel like my heart belongs to Oberyn Martell," I revealed. "Over the course of the war, I've grown to fall for him, and would just hurt if I leave him. He's done so much for me, and he's not what my father made him out to be. And he's the man that I want to love for as long as I possibly can."

My brother nodded acceptingly. "You love him?"

"With everything I have," I replied simply.

He smiled, knowing that I'd eventually get the happy ending that I deserved. As my big brother, Crodell always did his best to look out for me and protected me from the cruelty around me. And he always wanted the best for me. No matter what, he put my happiness over his own and protected me from my father and his terrible abuse.

"So you have to make a choice. A tough one," my brother said. "That's what's bothering you."

I nodded, eventually catching a glance over to Oberyn, who was slowly turning around to walk away. It was like he was assuming that I'd go back to the Iron Islands with my brother and mother and make everything right again.

"So what will it be?" my brother asked.

I glanced at my mother, then back to Oberyn, who mournfully sauntered away with small steps. It only took a few moments for me to make a decision. An easy decision, if you will.

"I think you know where my heart belongs," I simply responded.

My brother smirked, with one corner of his mouth hooking upward. He was happy that I was finally going to my happy ending. As a big brother, he was content with me finally finding love in someone that treats me right. Someone who cares about me and protects me.

"If that's what you desire," he said.

As he stuck out his hand, I decided to take it, shaking it firmly and with professionalism. It was a moment that changed everything. Everything that I had thought about my brother, and every cruel thing that was the cause of this war. I considered it as a sign of peace between two warring kingdoms. Everything had come to a satisfying close with that handshake.

"Take good care of the kingdom for me," I said. "Take that throne when you have the chance, and protect the other children there."

"I will," he promised. "Take good care of yourself here."

I nodded. "I promise."

After we looked at each other for a while, we ended up embracing each other tightly. It was the first hug I've gotten from Crodell in what seems like a long time...and it felt good. It felt good to know that I had my brother back.

"Keep me updated on what goes on there," I said loudly as he walked back toward the ship.

"Of course," he said. "Just as long as you keep me updated and visit once in a while."

"Don't you worry. We'll see each other again one day," I said with reassurance.

As Crodell and my mother prepared to depart back to the Iron Islands, I finally turned to rush back to Oberyn, who had only walked only thirty feet away from where he previously stood. Picking up the skirt of my gown, I ran as fast as I could over to Oberyn, who was still oblivious to the fact that I had chosen him over my home.

"Oberyn!" I shouted.

He turned around with one last sliver of hope in his soul, seeing me run toward him. That's when I crashed into him, collapsing into his arms and allowing my lips to collide with his. I slowly ran my hand along the left side of his jawline, keeping my other hand on the right side of his torso near his rib cage. Meanwhile, Oberyn would keep one of his hands on the back of my neck and the other on my waist, keeping firm grips on both.

Everything was finally right again because war was over, and we were finally together again. We could love one another without having to worry about being killed off. That felt especially good.

After being satisfied with our kiss, Oberyn and I connected our foreheads together, closing our eyes and realizing our victory. A victory in romance. An overall moral victory for us. We had finally won.

"I see you made your choice," Oberyn finally said. "Is this where your heart belongs?"

"My heart belongs to you, and it has belonged to you for a long time," I answered. "And I sure as hell don't intend on giving my heart to another man other than you."

He gave me his typical smirk and ran his tongue along the inside of his mouth. He seemed satisfied that I was in love with him and only him.

"And you're the only woman that I want to love for the rest of my life," he remarked.

I bit my bottom lip to try and not squeal like the little girl that I once was. "Damn you, Oberyn Martell," I said with a chuckle.

We continued on back to the palace, ready to start a new chapter in our lives. There was finally a window open for the both of us. We can now live such a lovely life here in Dorne...

There are those who say that kingdoms at war fight like bloodthirsty dogs...

...and I am glad to say that I—Anaysha Cathelyne Brooke Mullendore Sparr—was the dog that won the fight. 

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