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Even though I was still relatively calmer than before, the conflict I was entangled in hasn't fully resolved. My defiant daughter was still on my nerves and not willing to give up easily. She's not like the rest of the kingdoms in Westeros, that's for sure. She's not willing to back down in the face of terrible agony and danger.

Then again, she also has the Red Viper supporting her.

She seemed to become much more confident in herself after she met Oberyn Martell. Why she decided to dabble in a relationship with him, I still don't know. But she did, however, succeed in making me filled with rage and jealousy. She knows damn well that I despise Oberyn Martell, and she ended up in a courtship with him anyway.

There's multiple ways to make me angry, and Anaysha getting into a relationship with the most dangerous man in Westeros is definitely one of them.

By this point, I had already made the decision to invade Dorne. Even though some people begged me not to, I had to do it. I have to make things right. I have to get my daughter back and enact revenge on the man she fell for. She defied the rules and escaped the consequences, and with this full-scale invasion...I will bring my daughter back so that she can face the consequences that she was destined to suffer from.

"What's our next step, Your Highness?" one of the highest-ranked armada leaders asked, as we engaged in an emergency conference.

"All I know is that Dorne needs to be steamrolled," I answered. "My own daughter started this war, and we are going to show her that she can't get away with that so easily."

There was some silence among the high-ranked military leaders that swept over rather quickly. Maybe it was because they once again had to find out that we were fighting a war against my own daughter.

It could've broken them.

They could've been emotionally shattered and conflicted in the war they're ultimately forced to fight. They want to join the other side, but they can't, for they fear for their lives if they ever dare to show any mercy toward our enemies.

"But isn't invading Dorne a bad idea? I mean, you want your daughter to come back to the Iron Islands and face her execution. Don't you want her left alive?" one of the leaders asked.

I only had to ponder that suggestion for a little bit. Sure, I want Anaysha alive to see her execution by beheading, but I want her to suffer the consequences she ran from.

"If she dies in the crossfire, then she dies! She has to face the consequences that she brought on herself one way or another," I replied. "As long as her blood is on my hands, then I don't care how she dies."

"That's quite tragic if you think about it, Your Highness," another one of the leaders said. "I mean, you're so hellbent on ensuring your daughter's death. A real father would—"

I snapped into a rage and swiftly made my way over to that snarky leader, who just so happened to be one of the commanders for the ground troops. I soon latched one of my hands onto his throat, beginning to choke the breath out of him.

"Now, you listen to me, you intolerant imbecile," I shouted. "Don't you dare tell me that I'm not a real father! I am doing everything I can to make things fair and just so my family can stay afloat. Even though it may not seem like it, I am doing everything in my power to be just while also being an adequate father. So don't you dare tell me that I'm not a real one, or else I'll tighten my grasp and choke the life out of you!"

After I released my grasp, the leader was left gasping for air. But I ignored it because the leader deserved it. If anyone dares to insult me and my authority, then they automatically subject themselves to violence.

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