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Night soon fell upon Dorne, which meant that I'd be once again sleeping away from my home. Wait...I'm not sure what home is anymore. I'm several miles away from the Iron Islands, and I'm hiding out in Dorne with the most dangerous man alive, who also turns out to be my lover that I agreed to a courtship with. God, my life is going in an unexpected way, but at least I'm happy with it. I'm away from my father and his hot-iron fist, so I guess I'm happy.

After getting changed into one of my evening nightgowns, I remained in the prince's sleeping chambers, sitting on the edge of his bed and awaiting for his arrival. What did the Red Viper have planned? What did he have up his sleeve? It's hard to tell, given his nature, but I'm willing to take the risk in finding it out.

He soon arrived into the room, sauntering in with a crooked smile on his face. Now, I knew almost definitely that he had a plan up his sleeve. But what did he want with me? The silent tension between us was building up rapidly to a point. A point that I knew damn well would result in something intensely intimate. As he locked eyes with me, he ran his index finger and thumb up and down his jaw, thinking to himself.

"What do I do with you?" he asked in a low toned voice, a corner of his mouth hooking upward. "What do I do with you?"

I gulped, hoping that the lump rising in my throat would go away. It didn't. It remained there as if it was rammed into my esophagus. "Hopefully, it isn't anything too rash."

He slithered over to me and grabbed me by the throat with his hand, being careful not to choke me. I knew he didn't have any ill intentions toward me when he clenched my throat in his hand, so I met his confidence with my bold cockiness.

"Oh, don't you worry, princess. What I'm about to do to you won't be too rash," he confidently said.

I ran my tongue along the inside of my mouth and remained paralyzed under the prince's grasp. Eventually, he let go of his grasp, and I took that opportunity to get up onto the bed. Turns out, doing this didn't help me escape what was about to go down. As if it all happened in a flash, I now saw the Red Viper standing at the foot of the bed, now shirtless. It was a different view, but it was one that I very much enjoyed.

"So this is how we're doing it? Your way?" I asked.

He climbed into the bed, hovering over top of me and establishing a dominance over me that I knew damn well that I would not overcome. Firmly, he pinned my wrists down, causing me to struggle—to no avail—within his grasp.

"You know damn well that it'll be done my way," he growled, "and I'm going to enjoy every second of it."

After running his hand gently through my hair, he traced his fingers along my neck, sending me to new heights of pleasurable desire that I've so desperately craved. Craved from someone like the Red Viper. After a bit of time seemingly working me up, he aggressively connected his lips with mine, bringing me closer into him. He then didn't hesitate in planting a few kisses along multiple parts of my neck, making sure to leave something behind through bite marks that I'm sure would be stuck there for the longest time.

Let's just say after that, both of us got carried away.

And from that intimate moment onward, our relationship would change. It would change into something with more chemistry and more desire than before.

* * * * * *

I woke up the next morning, feeling quite a peculiar feeling. A feeling I classified as a simple soreness. Although most would consider this a terrible feeling, I thought of it as a trophy. A trophy that I didn't deserve but certainly didn't complain about receiving. Never in my eighteen years of life did I imagine sleeping with the Red Viper, but I'm glad that it happened.

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