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When I rose from my slumber the morning after that heart wrenching day of spilling my secrets to the Red Viper, I was shocked to see that he was still fast asleep. Asleep next to me. Then again, I couldn't sleep all that well last night, even with being obligated to sleep next to him. The horrible thoughts of what my father is capable of doing—what he might be doing right now—frightened me and caused me to think of all the horrible scenarios that could possibly happen.

Eventually, the Red Viper stirred, waking from his deep sleep. He sat up and glanced over to me, apparently shocked that I was still there in the bed with him. Of course, I'll stay with him until he wakes. I could only assume that he wants to start his day by looking at me. I wanted to be the first person he sees when he wakes up for the day.

"Surprised to see you here next to me," he said in a low tone voice.

"And good morning to you too, sleeping lion," I responded. "Figured that I might as well be the first thing you wake up to."

He ran his hand up and down my arm, sending electric pulses all throughout my body. I wanted him—I did—but now, it didn't feel like the right time. It would feel forced right now, and I'm sure the Red Viper doesn't want that.

"Well, it's safe to say that you assumed right," he said with a smile.

He ran his hand through my hair a couple times, refusing to break his deep gaze with me. What he didn't know was that I remained reluctant in breaking mine. I had to break it eventually, just so I can go on with my day and spend more time with the Dornish prince.

I finally gathered up the strength to roll out of bed and get dressed for the day, still basking in the aftermath of yesterday. The Dornish prince had a tragic side to him—something that only I have got to see before. It broke my heart to hear that he suffered through so much...and I wasn't there to comfort him like I am now.

Then, I focused on getting ready for the day. But about a little fun with the Red Viper? Why the hell not!

"Your Highness, can you pick a number between one and...five?" I asked from across the room and from behind a wall, just so I can change.

I could hear him chuckle, and its sound filled the room. "Five? Are you toying with me right now, princess?"

"Why would I be toying with the man who welcomed me into his kingdom with open arms and offered me full protection against my father?" I asked.

He chuckled again. "Fine. I'll play along. How about...four?"

"Excellent. Thank you," I replied, choosing my fourth clothing option—a black and gold gown with gold, draping sleeves and a corset for the midsection. It was absolutely beautiful, and it was one of the dresses that I had received as a gift a short time ago when I still lived a peaceful—albeit a chaotic and torturous—life in the Iron Islands. I think it was at a time when I was still being pushed to try and accept arranged marriages, but I'm not sure exactly when.

I came out from behind the wall, the corset still not tightened and done. As I emerged, the Dornish prince—who is still shirtless, mind you—keeps his stare fixated upon me. He was serious about keeping it, too. His predatory eyes caught a glance of something so amazing and beautiful, yet so mysterious and convoluted. He thirsted for the apparent and complex beauty that stood before him and was drawn into its trance.

"Are you okay? You seem...out of it," I finally said in one final attempt.

He was eventually jolted back into reality, slowly gaining back all of his senses. "Forgive me, princess, but I'm standing in front of the most beautiful person to grace Westeros."

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