Chapter 2.2

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The RWBY series was written by Monty Oum and produced by Rooster Teeth Productions. The Fate series is owned by Type-Moon and Kinoko Nasu. I do not own any of the characters mentioned in both series. The only things I own are the ideas that popped into my head for this story and whatever original characters I would create for the story.

This story is meant to be a work of pure fiction made solely for fun, constructive reviews will be welcomed, and flames will be ignored. Any references to real-life characters, places, and events are purely coincidental and should not be taken seriously. You have been warned.

It would be nice if I could make money out of my ideas. Maybe I'll try another story, but for this one and the Warped Blade of Hogwarts, I'm just doing it for fun.

"Regular Speech"

"Mental Link/Communication Devices"

'Inner Monologue/Thoughts'

Magecraft Aria

Block Elements:

▔▇▄ ▒▄▂░▄▔ ▋▀▍▆▕▀▆▄ ▎ ▅ ▁▋▎ ▂▊▒ (Basically, unimaginable pain and or words/language/things that are beyond human comprehension.)


I have decided to alternate the updates of my stories. Also, sorry it took me so long to update I had to take care of some issues in my college registration and helped some family members move to a new place.

Also, I revised the first chapter, so go check it out.

P.S. I don't know when I'll be posting this, so here:

Time of writing: 8/5/2022 9:18 PM

Time of posting: 10/7/2022 10:56 AM (On

To get a frame of reference. (On


After almost an hour of nonstop crying, Weiss finally calmed down and turned to her mother with a question that had been plaguing her mind since she woke up. "What happened, Mommy?"

Willow felt unsure of how to answer her daughter's question but did so regardless. "Weiss, sweety, we... were attacked by the White Fang. They wanted to hurt your father, your brother, your sister,, me, to hurt... all of us," she said with a pale face and lips quivering from unease and anxiety.

Weiss listened intently, growing paler as she imagined the horrors that had transpired.

"B-but everyone's alright, so don't worry, okay." Willow immediately tried to soothe her daughter's fears. Unfortunately, most of what she said went from one ear and out the other, as the little girl's mind was someplace else.

Memories of the previous night flooded her mind, and she instinctively checked her arms, searching for the red tattoo that had inexplicably appeared. Relief washed over her as she found it still there. 'Whew~ it's still there.'

"Weiss?" Willow called out to her daughter but was ignored.

"Weiss?" And again she was ignored.

'Wait!' Weiss's eyes then shot wide open, 'It's still there! Then where's the man in red?' she began looking around.

"Weiss!" Her mother shouted her name for the third time, causing Weiss to jerk back in surprise.

"What are you doing? I've been trying to call your name for a while now, and you're just ignoring me. Are you alright?" Willow said, worried for her daughter's well-being.

An Oath Under A Shattered Moon [Fate x RWBY]Where stories live. Discover now