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He swiftly got up, his face with a slight disappointment and sat up over my belly while making sure no weight is over me. I placed my hands over his neck, gosh, he was so veined, I was able to feel his veins over my hands. Somehow, I staying in that position felt so hot. I smiled and he smirked towards me. I heard his voice saying, "So are you staying?" I felt silent, now let us play with him a bit. I chuckled inside my heart and removed my hands from his neck. I got up and the fact that I was completely naked, naked as a baby, did not bothered me that much. I took my sword and went behind me. I could feel Hiroyuki's eyes tracing my every move, he was eye fucking me. I took my sword and went behind him. He sat straight just as he promised me, he will not flinch, and he did not.
"Can I say something as my final words my queen." He asked me, his voice pure a bit cracked. I smiled behind his back.
"Yes you may." I said in a mellow voice, I gave him no hint of my plan.
"I love you Yuzuki, you'll be my first and only true love." He said and lifted his chin, making perfect space for me to swing my sword and pierce it in his neck. I was able to see the lining too.
'Do it now! Kill him! You'll be able to die peacefully then!' my head said. I clearly ignored her, what she said did not matter to me anymore.
I placed my sword gently near neck and kissed his earlobe. He flinched slightly over my unexpected move.
"Hush my king, you said you won't flinch. Let me slay you perfectly." I said and smiled over his earlobe. My deep blushed up breaths hit him slowly.
He stayed the same, he relaxed a bit but was still stiff. "Tell me how should I slay you tonight?" I traced my other hands near his nape, stroking it slowly.
"I-I'm all yours my queen, slay me anyway." He said with a bluff.
I chuckled softly and said "my my king himself is blushing so much." I could feel his heart rate shooting.
"My god Yuzuki, which potion are you playing with, I-I never got like this, never in my life." He said as I broke my hand from his and got up. It was pure fun to tease him, watch the beautiful effect I made all over him.

(A/N- sorry for changing the pov suddenly but I like writing smut from Male pov)

Hiroyuki's POV,
I felt her weight lifting from the bed, the feeling of her warm breaths over my earlobe was so turning on. I could have taken control anytime, but I wanted to see how far and how much can she go. Her sword lifted from my neckline. I was shocked, shocked to see that she did not slay me. She came and sat in front of me. Her naked body was so perfect and so soft. I could see that she was turned on., and that was enough to make me grin and blush a bit. She gently placed her sword over my chest and leaned in front, her sword placing minimal pressure over my chest. From her other hand she winded my tie and pulled me close. The sword slightly pierced in my skin, which felt nothing at all to me, I could have regenerated in seconds. My body weight was so light due to the atmosphere that I swiftly moved towards her. She placed her lips just centimeters away from mine. I could feel her warm breaths over my lips, she did not do anything and just stayed like that teasing me to no limits. I tried to move in front but I heard her say, "My king, I order you not to move." Oh my god, that was it I was craving to take control over her, to dominate every inch of her. On the other hand, I wanted to get dominated by hers just for once. I smirked and said "sure my queen, but trust me some day you will be paying hard." She chuckled and intertwined her lips with mine. It was pure feelings; her lips were soft as feathers and tasted sweeter than honey. Her tongue traced my lips softly and sloppily. Her saliva spilling all over my lips, I could taste the peach she must have eaten this morning. Her sword dropped and her hands cupped my face. Her hands were tiny, she was like a beauty with a beast. She crossed her legs over my hips and kissed me more intensely. She was asking for permission to enter my mouth I played on this one, as her tongue asked for punishment I teased her with mine. She was getting frustrated I could feel it. I gave up and gave her permission. As soon as she got her entrance, she explored my mouth like a divine temple. Exploring and imploring each corner of my mouth. She was running out of breaths so she parted her lips and gasped while locking her eyes with mine. Her ocean eyes were like infinity; I could just go in them and get lost for eternity. I placed my hands over her shoulder; she was so delicate just like a snowflake. Her name went so perfect with her.

I pushed her down over the bed, the bed sunk in with her. She blinked her eyes fast. She opened her mouth to say something, I grinned and placed my finger over her lips and said, "I guess you've had enough for day My queen, all the teasing you did, mmm made me restless." I watched her face turn crimson. She was so beautiful; the demon who said that her scar is ugly did not have any sense of beauty. She looked like a goddess to me. I brushed her hairs aside and started at her face, such a beautiful face with flawless skin. She bit her lips softly and smiled. The way she smiles; I am ready to kill anyone who makes that smile disappear from her face. I softly bent down, took her bottom lips in mine, and softly bit them, she moaned inside my mouth, her sweet voice were the happiest thing to me. I traced my hands on the side of her chest. Her lower back lifted, she was craving more and more and I was going to give what she wanted. I smiled as I gently bit her lower lip. She tasted so beautiful, just like nectar.

A/N- Nope stuff's not completed, will be writing more, more of the feelings and describing them. Just a pure smut will be next chapter. XD ;)

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