3 † Blazed

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Posting a day early because I work at 6am tomorrow :/ I wont get to it if I don't do it now so your welcome!

"Since we need to work on that project why don't you come back to mine?" Ashido asked, a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Alright, I'll just call my Father to ask." He spoke nervously before stepping aside, pulling his phone and dialling and waiting for a response.

"Yes?" His father responded, he jumped not fully expecting him to pick up.

"Hi Father! I was invited to go to a friends house to work on a group project. I will do my chores when I return. Is that alright?" He asked, his father sighed.

"Yes, just remember God will be watching you. Be sure you are back for curfew" It nearly sounded like a threat, as if he expected bad out of his perfect son.

"Thank you Father!" He exclaimed before hanging up and walking a few steps back to the group.

"Fuck that sounded like you were talking to a warden. Is that always how you talk to your parents?" Kirishima rolled his eyes. Bakugou had no clue what he was talking about, he was baffled that this was not the normal.

"Of course! Is that not how you speak to your Mother and Father?" He had a formal way of speaking when he got stressed, it was from the years of church camp.

"Not at all! My moms don't care at all how I talk, they're cool like that." Bakugou stoped in his tracks.

"Moms? Like two moms?" He asked, stunned in a sense. Two women raising a child? Thats absurd who would be the tough one and the one who worked and brought the money in?

"Yeah... I have two moms? You homophobic or something?" He had a harsh glare, the blonde straightened his back and started shaking his hands in front of his body.

"No! Absolutely not! I was just a little shocked is all!" He certainly was not homophobic, he was just more... traditional... thats what his parents called it anyways. The two both gave a small judging hum.

"You're kind of weird you know that?" The girl laughed out, patting her hand on his back causing him to jump forward. They had made it to their car and the three got in, the keys turned and the music began blaring again. Once they arrived at Ashido's house it certainly was not what Bakugou had expected, it was a little run down, run down wasn't the correct word, more like, not taken care of. They walked in and made it up the stairs to her room. Bakugou watched Kirishima, he had black skinny ripped jeans pulled up with a belt lined with bullets, a red muscle shirt, and a black leather jacket over top.

"Is that real leather?" He asked out, the red-head turning before nodding, gesturing for him to feel it. He pressed it between his fingers and felt the perfectly processed leather, looking at the studs and zipper as well. "It's very well-crafted." The red head hummed in response as they made it to her room.

"Alright, so project later, first..." She trailed, "You guys wanna get blazed?" She asked, a devious smirk on her face as she pulled out a joint, twirling it in between her fingers. Bakugou's eyes blew wide. Mother and Father would kill me! Send me right to God's doorstep. He was too shocked to say no as the vibrant pink haired girl lit the blunt and puffed a few times before taking a long drag, exhaling and passing it to Kirishima. He did the same before looking at the freaked out blonde.

"Here, let me show you," He gestured for the blonde to move in closer, he did, "I'll hold it, just come up to it and put your lips on the end, don't slobber on it though." Bakugou did as he was told, he had no clue why he was rebelling out of the blue. Is this peer pressure? The redhead smiled. "Good, now just take a small breath in, be sure you're pulling the smoke into your lungs. Don't try to hold it, exhale right away or else it'll burn." Bakugou followed the commands, pulling the smoke into his lungs and accidentally holding it. It burned his throat as he did. He went into a coughing fit trying to loose the feeling of fire down his throat. This is God punishing me, giving me a taste of Hell so I do not stray from his path. He spit into a glass trying to rid himself of the feeling in his throat.

"Man what a baby." The woman rolled her eyes but were met with a harsh glare from the red-head

"It's his first time doing any of this shit. Give him a second." He then looked to the blonde, patting his back. "It's alright, Denki threw up after his first hit, so you're already doing better than him. Just breathe and it'll fade. We'll handle the rest." It felt good to not be ridiculed for his lack of experience. The night went on the the two had a slight buzz going as they started the project, they were only in the brainstorming faze but surprisingly finished the part they needed to get done to stick to the timeline, thanks to Bakugou of course, they had exchanged numbers at some point during the day. "You did great today Bakugou, happy to pop your weed cherry." The red-head smirked as they dropped him off at his house, he smiled and waved as they drove by, a slight tint of pink on his cheeks. As soon as he made it to his door he worried about the smell, even if he hadn't smoked much he gained a new-found paranoia that his parents somehow new. He opened and shut the door before rushing up the stairs to the bathroom, he stripped and showered, scrubbing every inch of his body, he changed into his sleepwear finished his chores, he made it to his room and kneeled before his bed, hands clasped in front of his face, he began to pray.

"Thank you for our home and a place to sleep and good food to eat. Help me rest well, give me peaceful dreams, and send your angels around our home to protect me throughout the night. Teach me to trust you and to love you more and more. I beg for your forgiveness for I have sinned, I was pushed by the Devil to delve into substances and showed my weakness in it's presence, I hope you may forgive me and lead me back to your path. You are good; you are great; and you are faithful, God." With that he got up from his kneeling position and got under the covers, waiting for the next day to come.

(1158 Words)

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