26 † Psych

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He thought about talking, but quickly repressed the thought when he realized his jaw was clenched so tightly there was no way words could come out. He laid perfectly still, almost as if he had died. Maybe if I stay still enough my brain will just think I'm dead and turn off. Maybe God will take me into his Heaven and save me from here. Who am I kidding, God has no compassion left in his heart for me. The doctor looked to him.

"Care you share your side?" He asked, the blonde only shook his head in response, ever-so-slightly before returning to his statue-like state. The doctor sighed "Well, there is nothing I can do until he tells us what truly happened, we're going to run a tox screen and then have psych come to evaluate him." With that the doctor left, a female nurse coming in and drawing some blood from his unbandaged arm before leaving as well. The room fell silent, Kirishima kneeled at Bakugou's side and the three mothers sitting, one glaring at the other two. A woman came in, her hair placed in a tight sock bun, a formal suit and clipboard in her hand.

"Hello, I'm Mrs. Uzi, I will be evaluating Katsuki Bakugou." She sounded like a robot too, but a little more lifelike then Bakugou. "I'll ask you all to leave so he is pressure free." The three mothers rose, Bakugou's hand lazily drifted to Kirishima's arm, gripping it tightly. He made no other movement. The woman seemed to picked up on that.

"Kirishima let's go." His mother called out. The robot interrupted.

"He can stay." With that everyone but Kirishima, Bakugou, and the woman left. She closed the door and took a seat in one of the chairs across from the two. "So Bakugou, may I call you Katsuki?" He asked, no response, he didn't even glance at her. She sighed knowing this would be harder than she expected. "I see. Well I'm going to tell you what I know about you and you can fill me in on what I'm missing. Katsuki Bakugou, male, age seventeen, in high school in your last year. You have no siblings and two parents who are still happily married, your mother Mitsuki Bakugou and father Masaru Bakugou. You have been doing well in school your whole life being on honour roll since a young age. You live a Christian life and attend church once a week. On the outside your life seems perfect. Yet you were recently arrested for trespassing and possession of illegal substances and had a call placed on you for being abducted by the Kirishima family, the call was dismissed fairly quickly and you did not return home until later that night. You got another call placed on you last night by a worried friend, I can assume he is the one seated next to you. You are now in the hospital because of a failed suicide attempt with around twenty lashes on your back and self harm scars up your right arm. Anything I'm missing?" Again he gave no response, the word rung through his brain. Failed. He couldn't even kill himself properly. He kept his hand on Kirishima's arm, returning to his frozen state. The woman looked to Kirishima.

"That sounds right. But he was talking about how when his parents found out he was friends with someone like me they had punished him, his father slapped him across the face. Then when his mother found out he had dyed his hair she lost it, she slapped him as well, threw him down the stairs and attacked him. She threatened to bring him to the church for an exorcism. His parents are hardcore Christians" Bakugou had no care that such private information was being shared.

"I see. I'll have to get a social worker in here to see about that. But for now I cannot deem him safe to be alone if he is refusing to talk. He is a danger to himself and should be admitted to the hospitals psychiatric unit as soon as he recovers." He should be worried, but he didn't care, he had no reason to care about where he was put, he had failed his last attempt at being free.

(718 Words)

Forgive Me Father... For I Have SinnedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora