14 † Convert

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"First he gets a ride from them and then starts hanging around them. Now he's eating with them and dying his hair? He's becoming one of them. Next thing you know he's going to be skipping class to do coke in the bathrooms." It was a girl from his first period class, he lowered his head knowing they were talking about him. Kirishima whipped around at the woman, glaring at her.

"Oi fuck off. Don't go talking about him like that. If I catch you spewing shit again I'll cut that tongue right out of your mouth." He pulled a switch blade out, flicking it open and pointing it at the woman, her eyes blew wide and hurriedly walked forward. Bakugou froze in fear and shock, he had a warm feeling in his stomach though, one that made his gut do flips. Ashido broke out laughing. Bakugou was so conflicted with himself.

"Do you really do coke in the bathrooms? I mean I've heard rumours but they aren't true right?" He asked, jittering. I don't know if I can hang out with people who do hard drugs.

"Nah, thats all fake. Only weed and shrooms here, cigs too." Sero corrected, a sigh escaping Kirishima's lips.

"We don't really give a fuck what people say about us, it doesn't matter if we do they'll just make things worse. I'm not letting our reputation drag you down too though, you're a good kid." He smiled ruffling the boys hair. What if I don't want to be a good kid anymore. He sat back a little, hunching.

"I don't mind them saying things about me, I'd rather hang out with you guys than be forced into a perfect mold. You guys are actually fun." He spoke nonchalantly hoping to impress, this only earned a cackle from Ashido.

"It's alright to be worried about what other people think, took us years to forget about others opinions, don't make you any less punk. And fuck yeah we're fun!" She smiled making him give one in return. He always thought they were so hardcore but the more he gets to know them the nicer he realizes they are. Lunch was officially over, he made his way to his third period, sitting down and starting on the work assigned for the period. He began thinking about Kirishima, the whole group for that matter. Blush dancing across his face. His mind delved into the details of the red head, how his distressed shirt had holes showing his perfectly fit body, god-like even. How his skinny jeans hugged his legs well and left nothing for imagination. His leather jacket and how well it was made, how it looked as if it was tailored to him sitting on his shoulders perfectly. His obnoxiously red hair standing in spikes. His face only got increasingly red, he thought about his sharpened teeth, how they would feel, if they were seriously sharp or just for show. The way he held a cigarette between his fingers, how he pulled it to his lips to take a drag, his perfect lips. He shook himself out of thought when he realized he was fantasizing about his friend, returning his focus to his work extremely embarrassed. The bell rung after fourth period signalling the end of the day, he walked out with his friends to see his mother standing in front, furious. He gulped breaking off from his friends and walking towards her, his head down. Just before she began yelling Kirishima was at his side.

"Hello Mrs. Bakugou, your son has really inspired me. I just wanted to thank you for raising such a kind boy. He's led me to the right path, I'm now seeking help from Pastor Ryan and him to return to the Lords plan for me." He had managed to take out all his visible piercings before he made it over, his mother seemed utterly shocked.

"Katsuki... Convinced you to convert?" She asked unbelievingly, staring at her son.

(669 Words)

Forgive Me Father... For I Have SinnedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora