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No one's POV At the Café

Another day I am not doing any better lately yesterday I saw a kid who was going to die in 1 day, 5 hours, 3 minutes, and 25 seconds. I am miserable. Felix was in deep thought about all the lives he can't save, until he saw someone walking into the Café. "Hello welcome to the Bear Café how may I help you?" "It is me Felix" "Oh Hyunjin hello" "Just the regular please!" "Alright coffee with caramel, and two pumps of vanilla!" Hyunjin walked to the nearest table to see Sam his ex sitting across from him at the other table. Feeling sad Hyunjin let out a deep sigh. "Here you go!" "Thank you Felix" Felix knew something was off he looked over to the other table, and there he was Hyunjin's ex the one who left him, Sam was staring at the two with despair in his eyes like he knew what the two were thinking. "Remember what I said Hyunjin." "What?" "Keep your eyes on me" Hyunjin made eye contact with Felix, then he just smiled after a minute passed. "Your cute." This caught Felix off gaurd he wasn't expecting Hyunjin to say that so bluntly. "Thank you?" "You know if your cuteness was rated it would be infinity." Felix choked up "Hyunjin you don't need to try this hard.." He whispered to Hyunjin, but Hyunjin just smiled at him again. This went on for a while of whispering, flirting all for just Sam to see. Sam walked up to the two finally 'Nice to see you again Hyunjin." "I don't really know about that Sam" Sam scoffed. "It looks like you lowered you standards by a lot." Felix was baffled he was saying he was better than Felix. "Listen he is a great person" "Really he doesn't seem like much?" "Can you just-" Felix cut Hyunjin off. "Listen here I like Hyunjin a lot, he isn't doing all this for you he likes me you aren't even relevant right now in his life your like a seed that I crushed, because instead of him staying with you he chose me, also I may not seem like much to you, but I am a big deal especially if I got Hyunjin without having to try much besides why would he want a cheating, backstabber like you who ran off with a dirt bag of a guy!" Felix was ticked off, what gave Sam a right to say things about him, or Hyunjin?

Sam looked even more angry then he did before, but Felix knew he had won because of that look. "Hyunjin keep your man in check." "Exactly I am his man not you." Hyunjin looked at Felix with disbelief was Felix really this kind of person? Sam ran off after Felix went off on him Felix took a deep breath, and noticed Hyunjin staring at him. "What?" "So you like me?" "Huh what no of course not?!" Hyunjin just laughed at him. "So are you really my man no take backs right?" "I was helping you, and he was talking bad about me when I was right there how shameless." "I am kidding, but thank you Felix." "I didn't do much?" "To me you did a lot." Felix was just helping defend himself, and Hyunjin, but Hyunjin wasn't lying when he said Felix's cuteness rating was Infinity. "Well thanks for the coffee, and performance I will take my leave now bye cutie." Felix was left there blushing.

Felix's POV

Today was eventful, I have to get home now though. I hate walking home there are so many people, and I am scared what if I find out more shocking discoveries with the death timer? His is 40 years, 10 months, 2 hours, and 1 minute, hers is 7 hours, 10 minutes, and 30 seconds, and that child's is 5 seconds. No I have to save her I can't let her die, she is going to get hit by a car I have to run fast! "HEY!" Thank god she didn't cross *Phew* "Hello where is your mom, and dad?" "They went to the club is what I heard auntie say..." "How old are you?" "I am 4 years old mister!" Where is her auntie? "Where is your auntie?" "She disappeared.." Can this child see ghosts? "Oh okay, what is your name tell uncle?" "It is Minji!" "Hello I am Felix!" "Dad!" Dad this poor kid her parents go to the bar unsupervised, and she is confused about the world. "Yes I am your dad let's go." "Yay papa I was getting cold.." Am I crying no Felix don't cry. "Papa why are you crying?" "Nothing I just missed you." Good her time went from 5 seconds to 70 years. "Let's go home.."

At his home

Today is pretty weird I have a child in my care now, Hyunjin's ex fought with me. "Papa I am hungry!" "Okay Minji let papa cook you a nice meal okay?" "Okay!" What should I make her? "AH!" "MINJI!" What happened to her please be okay?! "Minji?"What is she pointing at? There is nothing dang it can she really see ghost? "What is it don't cry papa is here?" I have to be calm, and not scare her, but she is crying a lot. "Papa someone is standing in the corner.." Her voice is trembling. "What is it Minji?" "A monster.." "I am here it is all okay Minji.." All I can do is hug her, and comfort her there must be something else I can do? "WHOEVER YOU ARE LEAVE HER ALONE, LEAVE MY DAUGHTER ALONE!" "Papa they left" "Good.." I need to call Hyunjin. *Ring ring* "Hello Felix?" "Hyunjin please come to my house my address is **** **** *** I will explain to you later!" *Beep* Okay he is on his way I hope. "Minji look at Appa (Dad in Korean or at least in kdramas) keep your eyes on Appa okay?" "Y-yes.." She is still shaken up about everything." (20 minutes go by) *Knock knock knock!* "Hyunjin!" "I came as fast as I could what is happening?" "Come in first." "Okay?" "Hello mister!"

No one's POV

"Woah you have a kid?" Felix shook his head "Then who is this?" "I was walking, and this is going to seem crazy, but I can see peoples death timers mine is infinity, and Minji's was 5 seconds I saved her, but her parents go to the bar, and she can see ghost.." Hyunjin just sat there shocked "This is a lot to process, but I have to say I can see death timers too.." "YOU CAN?" "Yes I guess you noticed mine was also infinity?" Felix nodded. "Yeah well I still don't know why we have these." "Me too I have been looking for clues, but haven't gotten anything." "And now you have a kid because of it so we need to figure this out soon." "Hyunjin this is going to sound less crazy, but crazy.." "Yeah?" "Can you move in with Minji, and I?" Hyunjin looked stunned. "I mean just because we need to figure this out, and I am not too good with kids." "Sure" "I mean I get it- wait what for real?" "Yeah like you said we need to figure this out."

(Message from author) Heyy Bubbles pops I know this part was a lot to read, and understand don't worry it isn't going to end this soon I just wanted a plot twist, and a starting to Felix, and Hyunjin's love, and what better way than to make them parents, and room mates? I don't know if I want them to keep Minji I think they will because more twists right? I hope you guys liked this I don't know if it sounds rushed or not. And as always Eat, and Sleep well^^

Word Count: 1331 Words<3

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