Finding my light

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No one's POV

Hyunjin packed up his bags, and started to walk towards Felix's apartment. "What am I getting myself into?" He thought, Hyunjin himself never thought that this is something that would happen to him. He arrived at the door of Felix's apartment, knocking on his door waiting outside. "Hi Hyunjin.." "Felix you okay?" "Yeah it is just Minji was up all night.." Hyunjin rubbed Felix's eyebags gently with his hand. "It is okay Felix we will figure this out" "I hope so Hyunjin." Hyunjin settled in hanging his clothes in the guest bedroom, Minji came running in. "Hi again mister!" "Oh hi Minji" "Are you going to be my mommy now?" Hyunjin choked up "Mommy?" He was lost in his thoughts. "Sir?" "Minji my name is Hyunjin, and I am dad.." "Oh, well then hi!" "Hello" "But mister Hyunjin I have a dad already?" "Ehem that is mom.." Hyunjin's face turned red this kid really thought they were her parents. "Minji breakfast is ready!" "Yay!" "Your pancakes are on the table" "Okay, bye dad!" Minji waved at Hyunjin running to her tower of pancakes. "Dad?" "Erm she thinks your mom, and I am her dad.." Felix's face also turned cherry red hearing this, his ears as well were practically turning the color of tomatoes. "Ridiculous." "Well she is a kid after all just go with it." "I know, but I should be dad.." Hyunjin laughed a bit. "Stop laughing I am serious!" "Sure, but I am more of a top." "S-so?" Hyunjin laughed some more at Felix's expressions. "Nothing Felix, or should I say mom." "Hyunjin cut it out." Hyunjin walked out of the room going to Minji who was happily eating her pancakes.

"Are they good?" "Mhm, mommy made them very well!" "Good Minji why don't we take you to the zoo this weekend?" "Yes yes yes!" Hyunjin smiled, he never thought of having someone call him dad before, because he was never interested in woman he had always liked guys, so the thought of someone calling him appa, or dad never came to mind. "Okay Minji give me your plate." "Okay mommy!" Felix's face turned red again. "Daddy come let's go play!" "Wait Minji we have to go shopping today, can you go get dressed?" "Hm yes!" Minji took Hyunjin's hand, and ran to Felix's bedroom.

 "Daddy come let's go play!" "Wait Minji we have to go shopping today, can you go get dressed?" "Hm yes!" Minji took Hyunjin's hand, and ran to Felix's bedroom

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"Aw you look cute Minji!" "Thank you mommy!" Felix's face turned red again, while Hyunjin just laughed in the background. "Ehem your welcome Minji.." Minji looked at Felix, and reached to Hyunjin's ear. "Daddy why is mommy acting weird?" Minji whispered into Hyunjin's ear. "Mommy is just excited to take you out today!" Hyunjin smile lit the room. "Oh I see!" Minji grabbed her shoes, and brought them to Hyunjin. "Daddy shoes." Hyunjin took the shoes from her, slipping them onto her tiny feet. "All done!" "Yay, mommy let's go shopping now!" Felix grabbed her hand, and started to slip his shoes on. "Okay let's go."

The mall No one's POV

"Hm do you like this outfit?" "Yes I do!" "Okay that is good we need to get you some toys as well." Felix payed for the clothing carrying the bag with him. "Thank you miss!" "No problem your wife must be very appreciative of you coming, and buying clothes for your daughter." "Oh no she isn't my daughter.." "My apologies sir so sorry I didn't know!" "No worries, thank you again!" Felix walked out with Minji in his arms. "Felix!" Suddenly Felix woke up from his train of thoughts to see Hyunjin waiting for them, he had never imagined having someone waiting for him with such happiness to see him. "Daddy!" Minji got down from Felix's arms running up to Hyunjin. "Hi Minji I picked out some toys for you!" Felix stood watching he was mesmerized by the glow these two had, to him this was his light out from his dark days. He never felt so calm, and safe than at this moment. "Mommy come!" He had tears running down his face seeing the two who felt most like his family he never wanted this moment to end, he ran up to the two hugging them tightly. "Mommy?" "Sorry mommy is just happy." Hyunjin stared at Felix smiling because he felt the same way, the two just didn't know it yet, but they had more in common then they thought.

After walking for a while the three decided to go for ice cream, and sit at the park. "I want chocolate!" "Okay, and one chocolate ice cream please." "Here you go sir enjoy!" "Thank you." The two went to sit on the bench with Hyunjin. Felix looked up from Minji to see Sam talking with Hyunjin. "Listen Sam I won't say this again, we will NEVER get back together.." "No I don't believe that!" Felix whispered into Minji's ear. "Minji that man is yelling at appa.." Minji then looked upset running up to Hyunjin as fast as she could with her tiny legs, Felix following close behind. "Daddy!" Sam looked at Minji. "Daddy?" "Is this big, scary man bothering you?" "No Minji it is okay." "So you have a child, how we just broke up around two months ago. Unless you cheated on me!" "No he didn't." Felix walked up to Sam with a death stare looking him up, and down. "Mommy!" 'YOU STOLE HIM FROM ME!" "Okay calm down this is a public park, also I can't steal something from you if it was never yours in the first place?" "HE WAS MINE!" "Not really you cheated, and are you really that dumb I am a man." "Right so.." "So this isn't our child." Sam looked embarrassed he ended up sprinting away.

"Why don't we go home Minji?" "Mhm!" The three walked home. "Finally back!" Minji ran to flop down onto the couch. "Minji what do you want to eat!" Hyunjin yelled from the kitchen, but there was no answer from Minji. "Minji?" Minji sat curled up on the couch sobbing a bit. "Minji are you okay?" "N-no.." "Is someone here with us?" "No not anymore mommy chased them off.." "Then why are you crying?" "Because mommy said you guys aren't my mom, and dad.." "When did we say that Minji?" "When the scary man was talking to mommy." Hyunjin hugged Minji. "Well it is true, but we love you a lot Minji." Hyunjin spoke in a calm matter. "I know." She wiped her tears away, still sniffling. "I want to sleep.." "Okay." Hyunjin grabbed her princess style, and carried her to the bedroom where he put her to sleep. "Hyunjin is she sleeping?" "Yes" "Oh we should go to bed to huh?" Felix yawned. "Mhm we should." Felix grabbed Hyunjin's hand walking to his bedroom. "Felix what are you doing?" "Going to sleep." "But I have my own roo-" It didn't matter because Felix had already fell onto the bed holding Hyunjin's hand, Hyunjin had tried to get him to let go, but Felix just held onto him tighter. "Don't go.." "What?" "Don't leave me!" Felix hugged Hyunjin clinging to his neck. Hyunjin's face turned bright red. "Okay I won't leave you.."

(Message from author) Heyy again Bubble pops, so I haven't wrote in a while, and that is because I have been going through a writing block T^T sadly I had to take a short leave for a while, but I am going to try to go back into writing, I had a couple days to think, and I think I am ready!!! Also hope you guys liked this new chapter, or part. And as always Eat, and Sleep well^^

Word Count: 1313 Words<3

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