The Club Date

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Friday 9:00 PM No one's POV

It was finally the weekend the two were getting dressed to perfection. Felix was excited to go try out a new club with Hyunjin, but was worried about seeing death timers. "I am ready!" "Me too."

(Hyunjin's outfit)

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(Hyunjin's outfit)

(Hyunjin's outfit)

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(Felix's outfit)

They both went to drive to the club. "Take my hand sir." "If you insist." They walked inside the club, but to their surprise it was a gay club. "Felix I can explain!" "It is okay let's enjoy ourselves!" Felix took Hyunjin's hand taking him to the dance floor. After dancing for a while the two sat down to enjoy just sitting, chatting, and getting drinks. "Thanks for tonight Hyunjin!" "No problem Lix." The two smiled at each other. "Let me go get us some drinks." Hyunjin said as he left to go get the two their drinks. Felix sat waiting for Hyunjin when suddenly he felt someone tapping on his shoulder. "Hi cutie." It was a man around his age who seemed to be hitting on him. "Erm hello.." "You got a boyfriend?" "No.." "Well what if I become your boyfriend?" The man started moving his leg onto Felix's leg, Felix was quite uncomfortable so he went to say something, but then Hyunjin came out of nowhere grabbing the guy by his shoulder. "Excuse me your in my way." "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!" "Sorry I am his husband." The man looked at Felix, then back at Hyunjin. "H-his husband.." "Yep now are you going to get up or will I have to make you leave?" The man got up quickly rushing off. 

Hyunjin sighed. "Lix I leave you for a bit, and your already getting guys to hit on you." Felix looked down at his feet. "Hey I was kidding Lix.." Felix glared at Hyunjin suddenly taking the two drinks out of his hand chugging it down. "Hey Lix calm down!" Felix dropped the second glass onto the table, he was very clearly drunk. "Lix?" "Hyunjin.." "I am here Lix." "I have to tell you something.." "Yeah?" "I li-" Felix was about to finish his sentence when suddenly his head fell onto Hyunjin's shoulder. "Felix what am I going to do with you.." Hyunjin then proceeded to princess carry Felix all the way to the car. "Felix let go of me really quick okay?" "No.." "Come on." Felix let go he stared at Hyunjin for a bit. "Your pretty.." "What?" Felix grabbed Hyunjin by his face kissing him. "I said your pretty.." Felix went back to sleep leaving Hyunjin in shock all alone, he quickly put Felix's seatbelt on. They drove back home, Hyunjin carried Felix on his back walking up the stairs to their apartment room. "Hey husband I want hot pot." "Husband?" "Or do you like honey?" Felix was talking in a very drunk way so Hyunjin laughed a bit at him. "I hope you don't regret everything you did today." "I won't!" "Shh Lix people may hear you." 

Hyunjin opened their apartment door. "Hey Jisung you guys can leave." "Okay, Hyunjin right?" "Yeah." "Well we are off then, but Minji is asleep, and I made one spicy broth with noodles for Felix." "Thanks have a good night." "You too." Hyunjin lied Felix onto the couch. "Husband are you cheating on me!" "Why would you think that?" "Because I heard a man's voice!" "Felix we aren't married, and also that was your best friend Jisung." "Oh.." Felix knocked out on the couch again snoring a bit this time. Hyunjin prepared a bath, putting Felix gently into the bath, he cleaned him up, then dried him off. "Put your clothes on." "I did already." Hyunjin turned around. "Good your all done." Hyunjin took Felix's hand taking him to the kitchen to eat his noodles. "No I want to eat on the couch." "Fine." Hyunjin was taking care of Felix like he was a baby. "Felix maybe these timers were to bring us together with Minji maybe it doesn't have a purpose." Right as Hyunjin said that his death timer disappeared as well as Felix's. "Holy-" Hyunjin closed his mouth. "So that was it the secret to it was finding the message it wanted us to find." Hyunjin realized something though does this mean Felix, and Hyunjin's times changed?

The next morning

"Hyunjin!" "Yes?" "My death timer is finally gone?" "Yeah about that.." Hyunjin spent around twenty minutes or so explaining all about what happened, Felix was shocked, but like Hyunjin had thought the night before what is their times now? "I think it will move onto another fated..." Hyunjin stopped what were him, and Felix soulmates, a couple. Felix kissed Hyunjin. "I will answer it we are soulmates forever." Minji woke up "Daddy, mommy the strange people are gone!" Felix, and Hyunjin looked at each other smiling softly, eventually Felix leapt onto Hyunjin hugging him tightly. "We did it.." "Yeah we did."

(Message from author) Wow guys we really did it we finished the story! There will be one last part, but I have to say I am very proud of myself for actually finishing my first story T^T my goal was to get a story to 10k or even 1k, but I guess finishing one was really the goal that was supposed to set for me. Thank you for being on this journey of finishing my first book! And as always Eat, and Sleep well^^ ~Bubbles~

Word Count: 945 Words <3

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