26. The Calm

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Jisung watched the two older men leave the area, glad they had each other. He turned back to Seungmin, fiddling with his hair still.

Seungmin smiled, "So, I was thinking we go back to my room."

"Again? My goodness, man, you'll wear me out."

"Not like that." He shook his head, "I just need...." Seeing they were alone, he looked around, "Just come with me." He lifted Jisung off his lap before standing, offering his hand, "I'll explain everything to you in a moment; just trust me."

Jisung sighed dramatically before taking his hand and standing up. "I guess I can trust you." He smiled, teasing the older man.

Once in Seungmin's room, Jisung moved to the freshly cleaned bed; the attendants here were very good at ensuring everything was neat. "So what is this big secret."

"Do you remember last night when Changbin and Innie came to the room?" Seungmin asked, standing in front of the blond.

Jisung frowned, "I thought that was a dream?"

Seungmin shook his head, recounting the visit from the night before, not leaving anything out. "You have to promise not to say anything; this is about our safety." He nodded at the younger man, brushing his fingers over his cheeks as he saw a tear fall from his eyes at the thought of Innie being hurt like that.

"Alright, I won't say anything." He nodded, "Innie is alright, though, isn't he?"

"Innie is tougher than he looks; I'm sure he'll be fine; he was more concerned with helping Felix, the real Felix, than anything else." Seungmin smiled as he brought him in for a quick hug. "But right now, I need you to stay here, so it seems like we're busy while I go to the library at the university."

"The university that you were banished from?" Jisung asked, frowning slightly, looking up at the taller man.

"I wasn't banished; I just kinda left." He smiled, "It'll be alright; I know the schedule there; I'll be in and out within a few minutes, 30 at the most." He nodded, moving in; he brushed his lips against Jisung, "Wait for me?"

"I waited this long to meet you." Jisung smiled, returning the soft, tender kiss. "I think I can wait a few more minutes while you help someone."

Seungmin blushed at Jisung's sweet words. "Alright, wish me luck." He opened a portal, stepped through, and looked at Jisung. He was in the dark heart of the library, where only the professors could go. He had an idea of which book he was looking for. He just needed to make sure he wasn't caught.

Scanning the shelves, he heard footsteps on the other side of the rack. He dipped around a corner seeing one of his old professors standing there with an arm full of books, happily humming to herself.

He checked the shelves spotting the book he wanted, it was placed higher up on the shelving, and he brought out the wisps sending them up to the book, carefully pulling it down.

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