46. War Council

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Felix's head snapped up as he heard that voice that haunted his dreams at night.

"What do you mean you know what to do?" He asked out loud.

Minho and Chan looked at him, "I said I wished I knew what to do." Minho asked, pushing a lock of hair from his eyes.

Felix raised his hand, quietening the two men. "Shhh, What do you mean you know what to do?" His head dropped before rising back up; his eyes were bright blue again. "I said, I know what to do." He smirked, looking around the room, "Hey Minho, Chan going for the privateer look?"

"Yongbok?" Chan hissed as he raised his sword to his throat, "Why shouldn't I run you though."

Yongbok rolled his eyes, pushing the blade away, "I know what you should do to save Emperor.""How are you alive? We killed you." Minho shook his head as he turned the crossbow towards the vampire.

Yongbok reached over quickly, picking up a spare bolt and pressing the tip into his palm. "OK, true." He pointed the bolt at Minho. "You killed most of me, but I've been in this body for years; you weren't going to get rid of me easily." He motioned the bolt to Chan, "When you ran inside, and Changbin had to restrain you, I could hide a piece of myself. If you're worried I'm going to kill you, I'm not; I'm actually impressed; they could do that without my realizing."

Chan grabbed the bolt, "You want to help us?" He asked.

"Help is a strong word. But...think of it this way, I consider the Fox my property, and the fact that someone took him makes me angry."

"Your property; you abused him." Minho shook his head.

"I run a little rougher most would prefer." He sighed, conceding the point. "But, I consider him my property, and you better be so damn grateful if I do." He smirked. "If I was my full power, I could pinpoint every person I drank from, but being a fragment of myself, I am only connected with the last person."

"Innie." Minho whispered, "You know where he is?"

"I could know where he is." Yongbok tapped the bolt on the table.

"What do you want?" Minho asked.

"I want you to free my spirit into the ether."

"What?" Chan scowled, "Never."

Yongbok sat back in the chair, "Then you'll say goodbye to the three men you care about."

Minho asked Yongbok, "If we promise to free your spirit-."

"-Minho." Chan scowled.

Minho raised his hand to Chan, "If we promise to free your spirit will you save them."

Yongbok turned to Minho, "I want a blood oath that you'll do it."

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