The King

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So what happened. Catalina will tell you everything.

It hurt like hell. What he did to her. And it's not made up.

There she was. A picture perfect couple. Nothing could take them down. Not water, not ice, not a million storms.

Three years in and he died. Leaving her broken and feeble to the wolves. Her own father-in-law would have taken her. But if it were not for his other son, Chakal then she would have been dead. Left for dead.

As a million thoughts raced her. Sceneries of what could be if he did in fact marry her. She soon found herself wishing for him in secret. So many times they warned her. And she didn't care.

He's a bad lover, the bandit king. And he won't love you for real.

He's too much of a traitor. And how he comes he will disappear.

He knows that if I knew then I would never trust him.

If you want then woe him but you'll never win his love.

And then one day, she still shakes to this day.

To not be able to think.

His blood boils.

Always wanting more of her.

What an ambitious man. Always hiding and barely home.

What a bad love the bandit king is. And he won't love you for real.

He's too much of a traitor and how he comes he can go.

"I know that if she knows then she will never trust me." Chakal replied.

If I want I'll woe him but I'll never win his true love.

There is no way. For him to leave for good.

To leave for good and never return.

Catlina still hasn't learned a new way.

There's no way for the king to disappear.

Too much of a bad lover Chakal is. And he will never love anyone for real.

He's too much of a traitor and how he comes he will leave.

He knows that If I knew. I would never trust him.

If I could've honey just woe me and never marry me. 

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